
One day he may get a funeral of his own, but not today!

It’s strange how Depp’s treatment of Heard wasn’t taken as seriously as it should have been. People accused her of being a home wrecker (so therefore she deserved it or something). Anyone who has been abused who saw those pictures or watched that video... that shit needed a trigger warning, that was some serious shit.

Perhaps Monsieur Trump would like a wayfarrrr thin mint?

What the ever loving fuck is Melania wearing? It looks like a table cloth.

I have awful PTSD from child abuse. While it is crippling (crying in public when you think you’ve done something “bad” like spilling gas at 32 is fucking humiliating), I’ve never hurt anyone, nor has my brother, or my many dear friends and support system who grew up this way. The right arguing that violence is a

Well he did have her and Kid Rock over for dinner.

...he would have gone to jail stemming from cutting the brake lines in school buses which is especially dangerous for passengers during an Alaskan winter.

Totally different point, but fuck Sarah Palin for trying to use PTSD to excuse this behavior. My best friend is a veteran with PTSD, and he has somehow managed to navigate his adult life without harming his romantic partners or anyone else. Most men who have PTSD don’t. There are a ton of women with PTSD too, many of

mel, i’ve had a couple nervous breakdowns. even was hospitalized for one.

And yet they get offended by sex.

Tiny houses are upper middle class poverty fantasies. Same with “open concept” floor plans. You want to live in a small house and “do with less” ? Do it while making poverty wages 

Before you feel to bad for these living fossils. Here are it’s buzzsaw mouth parts that bore into the victims.

As a recovered alcoholic I can say please get medical help if you stop drinking. I had to be hospitalized three days before going to rehab to prevent this. Don’t be ashamed, and don’t think you can automatically do it on your own.

Every time she says “spaghetti”, I want to punch the TV. You don’t have an accent, Giada, stop fucking pretending you do.

It drives me crazy when people are all, like, “Fry it in olive oil” and I just think, “What? Do you love ruining your food?!”

Although I gotta admit, The more of them being overt and then being fired and losing their jobs and businesses will make me smile.

The Chicago Tribune reported Dairy Queen terminated its franchise agreement with that location and it will not re-open as a Dairy Queen unless ownership changes at that location.

True story: I knew more out and proud racist fucks during the 20+ years I lived in Chicagoland than I’ve known in the 20+ I’ve lived in the Deep South. This story surprises me not at all.

Stupid hat? Check.