Anne Rice, acclaimed author and vampire populist, is giving America exactly what it wants: more TV and fresh blood.
Anne Rice, acclaimed author and vampire populist, is giving America exactly what it wants: more TV and fresh blood.
Not to spoil the surprise for anyone who’s been in a fugue state or blissfully, mercifully dead, but the election…
HELL YES. If I read more think piece about the plight of the middle class white man, I will kill someone. Those lazy ass motherfuckers only had their precious manufacturing jobs because they excluded minorities and women in the forties, fifties, and sixties.
I joked earlier that one of the main criteria for Trump appointees is that the guy has to look like the movie version of a CEO of a toy company hellbent on ruining Christmas and the world. I’m on fire with that theory so far
Donald Trump is about to be president, a white nationalist is whispering in his ear, and Jeff “The Ku Klux Klan Is…