“Bimbo-dicking verve” I’m dead
“Bimbo-dicking verve” I’m dead
I bet Abraham Lincoln could have fucked up anybody. He had the height and the reach. He was raised in the backwoods. I bet he was tough as fucking nails.
Lincoln would have destroyed him. He was a 19th century shoot wrestler for chrissakes, and was evidently undefeated or fairly close to it over hundreds of matches. Made his early living doing that shit. Lincoln would have fucked Trump up.
Clinton has bimbo-dicking verve and I bet he fights dirty, just all eye-gouges and knee kicks.
Grant was an alcoholic too. Never doubt the drunk rage. He’d pull Trump’s arms off and have no memory of it the following day.
Lincoln freaking dueled people in a pit.
Does Martin van buren get to bring the van buren boys
Huh? Ford was an ex-CFB player who used to make reporters watch him swim while he was president. If I remember correctly, he also used to do shit like fake fall (after his very real fall) to clown the reporters. I think he’d do pretty well.
Please fund my Kickstarter.
Jackson has crazy on his side. Crazy can make up for a lot of deficiencies in other areas.
These are great comments. Couple things:
Lincoln was known as a bit of a freak of nature, able to hide in building rafters and snatch people.
[citation needed]
The fact that racists existed back then doesn’t erase those that fought against them.
“How do you know they’re in hell, Arnold?”
Lol, as someone who first cracked open those books the week they were released....I couldn’t care less about your feelings in the matter.
lol I already know how the show ends, I read the books too. Nothing special about your predicament, and your “request” is pedantic at best.
So, you think looting is the same thing as murder? Get your priorities straight, psycho.
Go fuck yourself with having to jump in with your ‘it’s all the same on both sides’ bullshit. One group has a history of slavery, endemic and systemic racism, and a system designed to work against them. The other is mad they can’t be racist anymore. In case you missed it, go fuck yourself.