Damn you. Have a star!
Damn you. Have a star!
I hate being a pats fan. Fuck you Bill Simmons. I know the TB, BB, RK love triangle is coming apart soon. The signs were in the pudding all season long. Twas good while it lasted.
Fuck ray rice. Fuck ray Lewis.
Damn you that’s hood
Um that was Kylo. You can even see his hand twisting the same way the lightsaber does. Smoke even describes the mental process gling through Kylos mind. Snoke is completely convinced that Kylo wants to drive his lightsaber through rey.
First time I saw this episode, I cried laughing. I have resting fart face, fyi. I love this show.
This is glorious!!! I imagine my pc would explode trying this mod. It can barely run this at low. I’d kill to able to do this in skillege!