
What’s the over/under on how long we’re going to be seeing that selfie of Drew posted around here? Any side bets taken on the number of memes created using that selfie over the next 3 months?

The best old guy playing was George Blanda. He not only was old, he looked old and kicked field goals straight on.

Which one? The opera one or the boy band one?

I remember when Luis Aparicio was the shortstop for the Pale Hose. Way before the Bucky Dent pajama era.

And they weren’t “low profile.”

If George Brett can have pine tar above the label, this guy’s homer ought to count.

That could be true. But she’s not.



Roseanne? Good night nurse!

Lettuce? You forgot about dandelion. You get the leaves in the springtime before it flowers. Then you make a salad out of it. Talk about turpentine. You can also make wine out of it. Welllllllllllllll doggies!

Let’s be honest here. Edgar Martinez didn’t play for a team I liked or even paid much attention to. In fact, Edgar Martinez had some key hits that adversely affected my team and frequently made me feel bad. So, no, I don’t think he should get into the HOF. Same for Manny Ramirez.

Now playing

You want soul for Christmas? This is the only Christmas album you need.

What about the military? How do you divvy that up? A lot of the bases and training facilities are in red states. What do you do with the Navy? What about NASA and the space program? Cape Canaveral’s in Florida and Houston has Mission Control.

That’s what thought.

The Boy Scouts need that money to combat the homosexualist agenda that’s trying to turn this nation’s crop of wholesome young boys into dope fiends and homosexualists.

Here’s a thought and I’m just spitballling here, but how about we show that as a community we value the education of our young people and pay taxes in a sufficient amount so the kids don’t have to beg the neighbors for money? Nah.

Danny from Quincy and Butch from the Cape, who has since passed away.

Don Mattingly. It’s time he gets back into a Yankee uniform.

Yep. And nothing was said if you took Tuesday off, too.