
Agreed. The saddest part to me is that this will be the blueprint for embattled programs moving forward. I know its a lot to ask, but this seems like an excellent candidate for the NCAA’s “death penalty”.

Yes, but when amazon accidentally ships the wrong items, its a pain in the ass to have to head over to the UPS store between 9 and 5 to ship the wrong items back. Its annoying that because they messed up, I’m on the hook to fix their mess.

Killing NAFTA and forcing Ford (in your example) to build Fiestas in the US not only makes the Fiesta more expensive, but it takes those well paying jobs out of Mexico. The vast majority of migrants/illegal immigrants are coming into the US seeking economic opportunity and fleeing violence back home brought about by

I’m glad to know I’m not the only one with a slight trunk obsession.

NASCAR is the american macro-brews of motorsports. The only difference between cars is marketing gimmicks.

TV rights is a huge one. Open up online streaming of the races with no commercial breaks. Possibly allow people from around the world to stream the BBC (or is it Sky with the rights in the UK now) broadcast b/c they have, hands down, the best commentating team for F1. I might be in the minority, but I’d be willing to

You are absolutely correct about the potential solution, but that necessitates the NFL seeing the hits as a bug and not a feature. To me, the only way the NFL is going to come around and get tough on these sorts of hits is when it starts to hit their profits. As long as the money is flowing, they’re not going to even

The thing with the B5 S4 was that there were good ones and bad ones. I just sold mine that was one of the good ones. Other than the serpentine belt liberating itself from the tyranny of spinning my accessory pulleys on the freeway, I never had a major issue with mine. I bought it with 125k on the clock and sold it

Don’t forget giving thanks for all that Prime Day has to offer, like XXL Diane Keaton T-Shirts, 5 pack of brass knuckles, and plates of ham.

Freshman year of college, my (now) wife puked in/on a stove at a house party. I was not there to witness this event, but the story goes that she was at a house party of some people she didn’t much care for. The urge to blow chunks came up and the sink in the kitchen was already taken with a fellow barfer. She quickly

Correction: three chiefs!

Wasn’t this the argument that was touted before the salary cap went into place? As a Red Wings fan, we had it made prior to the salary cap. We could soak up all the youth talent we wanted and develop them until the current stars were getting on in years. We could also hoard any and all expensive stars we wanted

I’m surprised someone, once they noticed the super softs were out back, wouldn’t have just said, “F*ck it, put on the softs”. Even if they were slightly slower at that moment, they wouldn’t have accumulated to as much lost time as waiting for the correct tires.

Did someone say turbo manual wagon? B5 S4 turbo manual wagon?

To add to the bleeder screw tip: put a drill bit that has an OD equal to the ID of the bleeder. The bleeder is less likely collapse in on itself and also less likely to twist and break (leaving the threaded portion behind in the caliper). Take a wild guess how I know...

You shut your dirty mouth about Oakland.

Possible scenario on the final match day: Arsenal can clinch the title with a Leicester loss. Does Chelsea still try to rip into Leicester, a team with which they have very little history, or do they “throw” the game to really stick it to their cross town rivals?

Yes, yes I do. We just used ours for a trip up the coast with the dog. Twin turbo wagon is the best wagon.

I think you’re onto something... maybe if we close down all of the PF Changs, Mark Davis will have no option but to take his shitty team and shitty haircut and GTFO of Oakland!

This reminds me of a flasher in a trench coat. Its like its dangling its re-configurable interior in my face...