
The UEFA Champions League is a tournament style competition across all of the soccer federations in Europe. The basic way to look at it is that it is a tournament where all the biggest and best clubs in Europe all compete for a single title (like an international playoff system).

This isn’t my original idea, but I forget where I read it:

Its the only time of the year where people are legitimately excited to see the Lions.

As an Oakland resident, this couldn’t make me happier. The last thing my city should do is publicly finance a new stadium for the Raiders. The economic benefit argument is complete bullsh*t.

As a homeowner in Oakland, I completely echo your sentiments. If the Raiders don’t like playing at the coliseum, GTFO. Oakland has much larger issues that need funding than a new stadium for a marginal at best NFL team. The door can’t hit them on the ass quickly enough!

Three major gripes with the R56 Mini interior:

I’d be surprised if either engine will be NA. A nice twin turbo V6 would be an excellent replacement for my B5 S4 Avant though... assuming they make a wagon...

The NCAA really seems to be a microcosm of the current state of young adult employment.

Isn’t that kind of nice? I mean, if Jeremy Clarkson and Piers Morgan, of all people, can settle their disputes, maybe there’s hope for the human race after all. (Copious amounts of booze are largely to thank for this, but still.)

As a current Oakland resident this assertion annoys me. Yes, Oakland is not the safest city, but it is a highly underrated city with outstanding people and fantastic things to offer. Oakland is also not a crime ridden hellhole that many people make it out to be. For anyone interested in the data:

This just in... crime is still a thing in major american cities. More on this story at eleven, but now back to Wendy in the weather center with the Doppler 9000.

This was mentioned by someone else yesterday, but it bears repeating: the major difference between the MLS and the other big pro sports leagues in the US is the global demand for soccer players. This deal seems very short sighted for ownership, since it meets their immediate demands for lower wages and more stringent

I concur. I have a B5 S4 Avant and love it for the following reasons:

As a resident of Oakland, all I have to say to the Raiders franchise is this: Don't let the door hit you on the way out. My city will be better off without your stinking pile of a team.

We need to unify our safety/emission regulations with Europe. Share the cost of testing and development across more markets.

This only applies to California, but the regulation that needs to be repealed/changed is CARB certified cats in California. All cats on CA registered cars must be CARB compliant (which means that the manufacturer pays the CARB to stamp their approval on the outside of the cat). The end result is that we cannot use

My theory is to go with a smaller car to be a harder target to hit. With bigger and bigger cars/trucks, the smaller the car, the less chance of getting hit... and you can actually avoid collisions with handling that is more like a go-cart and less like a battleship.

And I admit, Steven makes an interesting point, because the thing they have in Europe is fuel economy. I have been to Europe several times, and while I routinely bemoan the fact that my rental car over there is always some sort of fax-machine-sized hatchback with a motor sourced from a paper shredder, I must admit

Fiat 850 engine block for ballast in the trunk of an Alfa Milano for winter driving.