
The big aspect of electric vehicles that seems to usually not get talked about is this: what is the source of the electricity? Almost 60% of US electricity production comes from natural gas and coal, which are most definitely not green. I will grant you that a well maintained natural gas plant will run far more

As a cyclist, the incidents where I get yelled at the most is when I have the audacity to use a public road to ride my bike. I occasionally run through stop signs and/or lights if there is no cross traffic, which I know is illegal, but realistically if cars were doing it too, would anyone really care (cue tree falling

Dark Green: check

I’m not sure you really “get it”. Yes, his job is to be the face of Mercedes F1 and make sponsors money. How do you do that? By appealing to the same people that are already engrossed in F1 or by expanding its appeal to a wider audience? His statements get him in the news cycle and build interest, therefore broadening

The circumstances were that Monsanto seed used what is called a “suicide gene” which would render any seed gathered from a harvest unusable as well as certain pest resistance. Due to how pollination of plants works (bees don’t know and/or don’t care what plants they’re pollinating), a farm adjacent to a Monsanto using

Or they could completely give up and just take 2019 off.  Its not like they’ll be missing much.

What makes him special is that he is b*tching and moaning about it all while really not being very good.  At least most of the other “rich kid” drivers either didn’t complain constantly or were halfway decent.

I try to avoid ECS at all costs. This January I needed new spark plugs for my ‘13 Audi S6, and unfortunately ECS seemed to be the only ones that carried them. When I finally did receive the spark plugs, they were in a plastic bag with no padding, with an ignition coil removal tool floating around in the bag as well.

This is what blows me away: how is net neutrality a political issue?

Wait. You mean that starting with a dump truck of money to invest in Manhattan real estate in the 80's doesn’t make you a fabulous business doing guy? GTFO!

Or as I like to tell people, “Look, if it was easy, I’d already be done. Its not, and that’s why you’re here talking to me.”

Glennon was probably pissed until he remembered he’s getting paid $16M guaranteed for this season, when he made $1.67M last season.


Love the dog in the background of the two sandwich photos seeming to ask, “You gonna finish that?”.

Something that might be more palatable to both conservatives as well as liberals (but mostly liberals): lower the income tax rates and raise the capital gains tax rates. In the end you could bring the two to be roughly the same rate (progressive income tax rates are a whole other discussion). The liberals would like

My girl wanting me to take a work break to play tug.

Phil Neville was referencing “alternative facts” for Ibra to be onside.

Now hold on! Just because you can’t actually see the warning track or the 10' in front of the warning track from those center-field seats and have to rely on the reaction of the other 34 fans in attendance to tell what happened with a deep fly ball, that doesn’t mean that it was a monstrosity of.......

Good. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out of town you greedy sacks of sh*t.

Its probably the same issue that plagues California drivers in rain: shitty bald tires.