This looks like a great time. I’d buy it just for the chance to explore that gorgeous looking world, but the combat looks fun as well.
This looks like a great time. I’d buy it just for the chance to explore that gorgeous looking world, but the combat looks fun as well.
I don’t know how anyone who saw Natalie Portman’s performance in the Star Wars prequels and compared it to her other work could think that the actor was the thing that ruined Jar-Jar Binks.
And this is premium Barsanti right here. You’d think if your job consisted only of ripping off other people’s work and reposting it that a modicum of reading comprehension would be a basic requirement. At no point in the stuff he links to does Sollima say that it was “his decision” to exclude Blunt, much less does he “…
I think if they’re not rich, people conflate child support and alimony.
Well.. I think The Affair should be called “Lifetime Pass.” Because I only stick around because most of the leads come from my favorite shows— The Wire, Newsradio, Fringe and Dawsons Creek (yeah I know) and I’ll always give them a chance.
I would hate it if someone gave me a tchotchke with sentimental value (to them) but worthless (to me and the rest of the world).
Yoko Kanno!
7. Air your surprisingly entertaining show on a popular television network.
*flashy whip-pan to Leos Carax putting This Town Ain’t Big Enough for Both of Us on the jukebox*
It doesn’t, and never was before. And if Fox had any sense on how to play their bullshit game, they’d have realized they should call it an “address” and not a “rally.”
But it did have the Mitchy Two Spoons himself, The Spoonman Mike Mitchell in his glorious on-screen return to The Simpsons.
So it should’ve been ranked lower.
For some, shyness might be their Lumbergh. For others, a lack of education could be their Lumbergh.
He’s a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.
She knows why.
The books and games do feel like both in my opinion. Theres actually alot of science fiction in the witcher even. Sorcerers speak of magic as if it were a science being studied. But also theres a pretty big nod to the king arthur style in the final book lady of the lake. Yeah no mention of christianity, although there…
As predicted by me (due to reading various rumor reports), Chris Pine indeed revises his role as Steve/Stiv Trevor…
He’s Omega level to me, dammit!