
You cannot discharge fines owed TO the government, from the article it seems like his debt is from a settlement reached directly with nintendo so it would be absolutely dischargeable

dont think anyone else has mentioned, but her telling Portia to leave the room before she asked a question about her marriage, like she’s embarrassed because its a delusion...

Disney thought the nazis would win the war in 1971, the year cinderella’s castle was built?

This is the actual answer

Saw it in a drive in. I loved it but I really have a hard time believing the average viewer would have any idea what the hell is going on in that entire movie, even by Nolan standards. Not saying I even did.

That’s literally the joke, that it’s trite.

Isint the issue people had with Life is Beautiful that it was the opposite of maudlin, that it tried to be a romantic comedy set in the holocaust? Personally I think its a good movie because its a little of both.

The Raymond episode with the giant vagina statue

Danger 5 is easily one of my favorite things this decade. I’ve always had a theory that the only reason it didn’t get picked up by Adult Swim is that there is almost wall to wall swastika’s in a majority of scenes.

Hey, good job

Hey, good job

I need this question answered as well

Do you really think there’s some magical secret to getting to the moon and just other countries haven’t figured it out yet? 

This is like that thing with Stern where its amazing that just the random people that work for him are truly funny people. Everyone on the shipping container is as funny as any comedy nerd podcast i listen to, if maybe more by accident.

You’re both right in that the first couple of seasons of Curb are heavily informed by David’s dealings with studios post-seinfeld. Another thing thats fascinated me is that he has an almost woody allen-esque pathology to make the same plot over and over again. Like Woody making Crimes and Misdemeanors again and again

Federal taxes don’t pay for federal spending. Dollars are not assets to the federal gov’t like they are to you and me. The federal gov’t eliminates dollars from the economy by taxing and creates it by spending. It doesn’t actually fundraise in the currency it alone has the power to create. Just like a store doesn’t

Just do the stupid rant so i can tell you you’re wrong

Absolutely love this whole world

No, Tina’s definitely unpopular, theres frequent references to social events shes not invited to.

I definitely think they got screwed and should have been more than adequately compensated for their work on the project, but absolutely no one is going, “whoa, the guy who did the mo cap for Kano from Mortal Kombat didn’t retire to his own private island?”