
Came down here to post the exact same thing. There’s something very thrilling about knocked it out of the park casting. Maybe cause we hear about how random casting can be that when they pull it off it feels like something heavenly ordained. Like it hurts the soul to imagine a reality where someone else played the

It’s weird cause I do feel True Lies is a great screenplay, but Titanic and Avatar both feel like they were written by someone who aggressively did not want to come up with anything novel or even interesting. If he didn’t want to spend anytime with the writing why didn’t Cameron just farm that out to somebody and

Need to rewatch it, didn’t get that much out of it the first time. 

That explanation actually made alot of sense for me

I need to rewatch Man Who Wasnt There, I remember it being another middling effort by them in that period of Intolerable and Ladykillers

Hudsucker holds up. Its very 90's Coens’y just funnier, as opposed to that dry spell they went on after O brother. True Grit is probably the one drama with the least of their style over it, could’ve been directed by anyone.

Jackie Brown is an all time great, but if that was Tarantino’s first movie you woulden’t necessarily say this is a film world changing event like you would with Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction.

Completely agree with your last point, the only other artist i’ve noticed something similar is Philip K. Dick, a large body of work but everyone has a different favorite.

Ive also heard that there isint one person but that “banksy” is more of a collective of artists

Michaelangelo’s David

Tax revenue from the private sector does not fund federal spending, federal spending funds the private sector’s ability to pay taxes. By that I just mean that spending is the prior act, taxation is the following act. If you’re into academic stuff, here’s more on that:

Which things am i fundamentally wrong about?

Correct! Inflation, not affordability, is the actual main concern of the government when it comes to spending. Actually, really only hyperinflation. Now, explain to me how spending on providing birth control will cause hyperinflation. For that to happen, you’d have to believe that the money people would save by being

The federal government is the best vehicle to provide for something that achieves a broad public purpose like birth control, which is something almost every sexually  active american needs. It is the best vehicle because, unlike any other entity on Earth, it can produce as many US dollars as it wants at any time and

Pales in comparison to the Slayer/Atari Teenage Riot track on the Spawn soundtrack

No. The double qp has been my favorite burger for decades and the real beef has made it into a different burger. If i wanted a real burger id make my own anf frankly, i kinda want to limit McD’s access to unfrozen raw meat or at least my intake of it.

The man so nice, they named him twice.

Yea not saying he’s not mentally deficient, but this was a dentures thing for sure.

Glenn from The Thick of It!

Yes! That was a top ten SNL. The morning TV show sketch where they devolve into cannibalism because the teleprompter broke.