Southeast Asia has the highest suicide rate in the world, you nitwit. And on top of that the WHO says suicides are hugely under-reported in many Asian countries do to the cultural taboo of it, so it’s rarely put on death certificates.
Southeast Asia has the highest suicide rate in the world, you nitwit. And on top of that the WHO says suicides are hugely under-reported in many Asian countries do to the cultural taboo of it, so it’s rarely put on death certificates.
A. A. Dowd gives A- to movie featuring Anne Dowd? Coincidence? I think not!
That’s a great description!
Darth Maul was cool AF. Then Clone Wars and Rebels made him even more cool. He doesn’t deserve to be lumped in with the other two.
*leaps out of window*
Ian McDiarmind is the only actor having any fun in all three of those train wrecks, and it shows.
Revenge of the Sith is utter garbage, Anakin’s toddler-level reasoning for turning to the dark side is inexcusable, but Phantom Menace is also still pretty terrible.
Moldy grapes are better than rotten apples! Fight me!
Lolololol. NO INDIE GAMES EXISTED BEFORE HIM, HE CREATED THEM. Fuck off. You can mourn someone without mythologizing them.
It wasn’t my first, but at 16 I purchased my first Lords of Acid CD, Our Little Secret, because the cover featured a pretty blonde. That turned out really well.
It’s a specific criticism of lazy joke-writing, and it doesn’t apply to a bunch of popular works.
So... same grade as the first? Cool. Even barely avoiding the dreaded C+ is a good sign for any superhero movie on this site.
I think this film and Resurrection are both better than their reputations suggest, but Resurrection is the one I’m really hoping has a critical re-appraisal. I honestly like it a little better than Aliens, but hey maybe I just have poor taste.
So, I’m pushing this theory out with the hopes someone could explain why I’m wrong: William has given up/become destructive towards the immortality dream because the clones of his wife committed suicide as well.
For more analysis, we now go live to a bunch of lawyers with too much free time on their hands: the entire Deadspin commentariat.
Fuck you bootlicker.
Somehow giving a Steve Hyden book a B- feels kind of ironic given how downhill music coverage on this site has gone since he left.
“There was a similar sort of buzz around previous “anthology film” Rogue One, with director Gareth Edwards claiming it’d be a “war movie” that explored shades of gray within the typically binary galaxy. There were flecks of that in the finished movie, but most of it was apparently left on the cutting-room floor...”