It's probable that the house was there before the road was, or the road-way was widened/moved after the home was built. If anything, the home should have been moved in order to prevent this type of thing from happening.
It's probable that the house was there before the road was, or the road-way was widened/moved after the home was built. If anything, the home should have been moved in order to prevent this type of thing from happening.
Say, any of you boys smithies? Or, if not smithies per se, were you otherwise trained in the metallurgical arts, before circumstances forced you into a life of aimless wandering?
And Frap rays. Don't forget the Frap rays.
It's good to hear some people still get promotions in this economy. Maybe now you can afford to "dragon" cars in you own private garage, instead of doing in public. The guy behind you in that picture is averting his eyes so as not to be permanently scarred.
I'll put it this way, so as not to entirely spoil the movie, but where do you think you get a battleship in today's Navy? They ain't exactly roaming the seas, is they?
After watching the last 1/2 hour of this movie last night (the internet is a mysterious and wonderful thing), the aliens are the most believable part of the film.
Now THAT is how you kill a car! None of this namby pamby "lets put a chain on the engine of our ancient VW and yank it out" bullshit. And when you go, try and take a couple of others with you.
True, but I challenge you to get four reasonably sized people in that car, plus a modest amount of luggage for a weekend in a 7 cubic foot trunk. While the BR-Z/FR-S twins appear to be awesome sports cars, some among us need to have an automobile that can be a sports car and a family hauler.
I don't think Toyota ever sold "hundreds of thousands" of Previa's in the U.S. And finding an AWD version would be even tougher. They are out there, If you look hard enough. []
To be fair, it is an AMG Mercedes, which probably gets 10 MPG with a Jalop at the wheel, so at a 1/4 tank, empty is only 20 - 30 miles away. Better to be safe than sorry.
Yeah, if you notice, the rims and tires he is running are much smaller than what he has on the front of the car. It looks like this is a drag car that he just put stock rims and tires on. Hell, you could get that kind of sound & furry from a 2013 V-8 Mustang if you put cheap 185 section tires from China on it. Wheee!…
Yes, because when I shop for a four door sedan that can get 40+ mpg, I always cross shop sporty two door sports cars.
I'm sorry, you check the oil in your car how? Why would you insert the dipstick into the crankcase of the engine? It has it's own little home right where it is, where you can easily check the oil level by removing it, wiping it clean, re-inserting it then removing it again to check the oil level. Have I been doing…
As an appraiser of Real Estate, I agree completely. Cost does not equal value.
Really, what is it with old VW's and hoarders? There is a woman who has a MK II Golf that is literally dragging its rear bumper on the ground due to the amount of shit she has stuffed into that poor little car. And to top it off, it's Diesel, so its acceleration from a stop is absolutely glacial.
So, if I win the power ball lottery this week, it's at $450,000,000, I think I found my new hobby. Of course, I'd have something cooler than a Lambo. I'm thinking the new Dodge Viper. I just hope I can fit into with the cape and cowl thing going on. If not that, then the original Batmobile from the 60's TV Show.
I believe the proper response to this would be: TA DA!