Deal Killer - Powered by Audi

Well, that’s one reason I like N.W. Ohio, housing is fairly inexpensive, compared with other areas of the country. Spending over $300,000 for a home out here is not hard, but it gets you either a 2,500 - 3,000 sq.ft. new home, or a larger, older home in the more urban areas of town. The over million range is mansion

CTS-V wagon? Yep, CTS-V wagon.

Timely article. I’m going through this situation with my 80 year old parents. They are still in the house I grew up in, a two story with a basement. Mom is having trouble with her knees, so going up & down stairs everyday is getting to be a problem. They were seriously looking at some attached villas in the suburbs,

This is a Wacky Pack.

Well, back in my day, we always ate peanut butter out of large containers. We didn’t have that fancy, artisanal peanut butter you kids have today. Five pounds of peanut butter, that would last about a month in our house. Then we’d have the empty pale to use in the sand-box outside. Those were the days.

Pretty please?

Seriously, do you have a pic for every occasion?

You got to go to the movies? My family was so poor, we had to make do with hand shadows my dad made using a candle. And a worn out candle at that!


No. You see that box in my post? I’m old enough to have purchased that from my local game store as a teenager. Not too much time to pursue the “Gamer” lifestyle anymore. I still miss it, though.

Please, don’t mention miniatures from mid 80's games. I still miss my Starfleet Battles mini’s.

Yes, I know. Really, really don’t care about something that happened almost 30 years ago. If I wanted to piss off older nerds even more, I could have posted this as well.

Warhammers, all day, everyday.

This is somewhat analagous to the burning of ivory tusks confiscated from poachers in Africa. Now, the authorities could just as easily sold this ivory on the open market and made a several millions of dollars doing so. However, they didn’t. They burned all of it. This not only sent a message that illegal ivory will

I was wondering why GM/Ford/Chrysler would not partner with Tesla to adapt their electric cars to these super-charger stations. It would seem like a no brainer. A relatively cheap solution to the range limitations of EV’s. I actually like the Bolt over the Model 3 (that interior is just too weird for me), and the

Always shoot first, then drink Dos Equis. Stay thirsty, my friends.

Thank you for this. Now I feel really old for remembering this from one of the best seasons of SNL.

Now that is a nice looking, little sports car. I wonder if Fiat, in order to give the new owner the full Italian car ownership experience, will have the computer randomly throw in a mis-fire, the engine not start on a damp spring day and maybe blow blue smoke out the back. You know, just so the driver can feel like

People today just confound me.