Deal Killer - Powered by Audi

You are so dating yourself...

I'm not really talking about the later version of the ad. The original ad, you can see the cable pulling the car up the slope. But, I suppose a modified Audi, with special tires and other modifications, which I don't think are mentioned in the original ad (but I don't speak German, so I could be wrong) could make it

Look at the original ad. The Audi 100 has a plume of snow right in front of the car as it is "driving" up the slope, right at about the 42 second mark. It is being pulled up by a cable beneath the snow. The later ad, I don't know, but I highly doubt a car, even in AWD and snow tires, could make it up that slope.

Nice ad. Too bad it's completely fake. The only way that Audi made it up that incline is if it had the unintended acceleration they were known for back in the 1980's.

Yep, I'm glad I've hung on to this, it might be worth a bit more now that another Mad Maxx movie is out. It still looks good. Maybe I'll hang it up in my son's room. What I really need is a "Man Cave" for this and some other posters I have from my college days. Oh, and the new movie looks all kinds of awesome.

It's a U.S. '06 Focus. Ford just updated the front end & interior of the Focus for the '05 - '07 model years in the US. We had to wait much longer for a new model. The '08 - '10 models had a new body, but the same overall mechanical's as the prior years. 2011 saw the US & Europe share the same basic model.

It's one of the few things I really like about my car, the color & hatchback utility.

Being over the age of 40, I can honestly answer, every fucking book in the past several years. I read a lot, both science fiction, some fantasy and a lot of historical biographies & history/political stuff. I read it, put it up on the shelf, and completely forget what I've read. It bothers the shit out of me. I'm

Oh, I'm not saying it looks bad or anything, just that the average Joe doesn't see the 2015 model as an all new car. It still looks like the 2014 model with maybe a few tweaks. No one was giving the mustang parked out at a major stores parking lot a second look. You put a new corvette out there, people stop and

I've seen a couple of the 2015 out in the wild over the past 2 - 4 weeks. One is sitting in the parking lot of a grocery store, and no one seemed to pay it the least bit of attention. The other was parked in the drive-way of a house, so I assume it was someone who works for Ford. Very nice looking cars, really clean

All the respect for SRV.

Amen to that. I've finally decided to take the plunge and do some DIY repairs on my Ford. Thanks to You Tube, it doesn't appear to be that daunting anymore.

If I had a car like that, I'd be a tire salesman's best friend. Bappetybappety-bappetybappety indeed.

You know what?

The $$$ was for lots of parts and labor that didn't solve the problem. I consider it a lesson learned. Do your own research before handing it over to a mechanic. Sometimes they're as clueless as the next person.

I know that problem. I had an 03 protege with the same problem. A local shop had my car two days and charged me several hundred dollars in order for them to not fix the problem. I researched it myself and replaced the coil packs. Car ran like a dream.

Oh, I can think of another Suzuki that embodies the excess consumption of the 90's better than that. I give you 2 seats, little cargo room and horrible handling. The X-90

Yeah, I can see where this is going.

OK, double "Squeee!" here.

No, Google street view does not, typically, work for me. As part of my job, I have to physically view the properties I'm using in an appraisal report. In order for me to "prove" I've viewed the property, an original photo is usually required. If I can't obtain such a photo, I can use other sources, such as a Realtor's