Deaf Ears

I'm pretty sure they're awful

Thank Dog for Random Roles. It's literally the only thing worth reading on this site now

Maybe - elsewhere Kasher said he himself is very tough and has been in countless bar fights, so I'm not entirely sure he was joking and he at least got in a humble brag - no, sorry, a plain old braggle-brag.

"Why didn't you go outside?" Hmmmm…. maybe they didn't want to risk bodily harm or going to jail or both? Kasher's a moron, and if you think that's a "tough question," Mr. Hughes, so are you.

Diversity is fine - forced diversity is not fine, and counterproductive.

We get it


SKELETON KEY was decent - but yeah, other than that, not much to put on the shelf.

Cool review, bro - if a bit on the long side.

So did Gene Hackman. But I think that's it. Billy Bob Thornton was in his forties too but he's definitely a few tiers down from Nolte and Hackman.

For that, you have to go back to WAKE IN FRIGHT. And agreed that First Blood wasn't an all-time classic, but it's like LA GRANDE ILLUSION compared to the Rambo films that came after it.

He also directed WAKE IN FRIGHT, which incredibly has thematic similarities to ND40 - also " a scathing indictment of an inhumane … culture in which no one … ever makes it out in one piece."

This is quite well done, as far as it goes…

"Rushkoff, an intern from the American Film Institute, sometimes wore a beret and gave the impression of wearing a beret even when he wasn't."

I heard Tracy Chapman busking at the Park St. station in Boston a while before she made her first album.  Saw a chubby black woman with a guitar gearing up to play something and thought "great, another no-talent."  Five seconds later, every hair on my body is standing on end and I'm thinking  - "Fuck, that's the best

@avclub-22f737e47d8261297d774f773ea41105:disqus Yeah, and I was also thinking of Jolie's propensity for adopting babies.

@avclub-22f737e47d8261297d774f773ea41105:disqus Yeah, and I was also thinking of Jolie's propensity for adopting babies.

INSIDE is as batshit as anything I've seen.  The first time I saw it I thought it went completely off the rails about a third of the way in, but the second time it seemed like there was a nightmare logic at work there, going hand in hand with the lack of even any token attempt to remain plausible.  If there must be a

INSIDE is as batshit as anything I've seen.  The first time I saw it I thought it went completely off the rails about a third of the way in, but the second time it seemed like there was a nightmare logic at work there, going hand in hand with the lack of even any token attempt to remain plausible.  If there must be a

I was dragged to the first one by a woman - I got through it by pretending I was a not-very-bright 13 year-old girl watching it … and from that perspective, yes,  it actually was a lot of fun.  I didn't see any of the sequels except for the last one, cuz I had to see if Edward actually performed an oral Caesarean on