
Here's the thing.

Your third sentence is what it boils down to.

I'm not excusing their behavior at all. In fact, I completely support what Anita Sarkeesian is doing. I never at any point support anyone who makes threats. I even implicitly condemn all of those threats against her (I count the people making the threats as the "they;" I use "we" to describe the people supporting

Don't fall for that trap.

Extremism is perpetrated against women every day all over the world. When did the middle east get an exclusivity deal on that?

The customer isn't always wrong. Angela, however, is so wrong she's almost right again only because it is so ridiculous. They're candles. Take the smaller ones. Go home and order them online. Candles.

but sales people and service providers are people, and when people make honest mistakes, the customer should not coerce them into offering special deals or, much more seriously, try to get the sales clerk fired. This was an honest mistake.

Yes, "Gamergate", where somehow, a perceived conflict of interest in gaming journalism means that gaming journalists aren't allowed to practice journalism and report on a developer getting doxxed and subsequently receiving legitimately terrifying death threats.

...except it initially started as an attack on Zoe Quinn, and not the publication entire—but, shit, facts. Who cares about those in the face of infantile emotional distress?

So.... I don't get it. I haven't played the game, but from the description given, it sounds like he just killed off his own soldiers...?

I've heard the gameplay is decent.

Starring in porn is not like having sex...

Why Dark Pit and Dr. Mario though?!?! Unless they have completely different move-sets, they're just wasted clone characters >:(.

To be fair, all of those except Shurima, which is a desert, are playable characters in LoL. If you play the game, you'll remember their names.

"I have an iPhone case like this!"

that really doesn't even look close =/

What the actual fuck are they thinking? Samus is one of my favorite female characters because she has never needed to show off skin.

would have preferred they instead gave you the option for the cars to ride the characters imo

Ok, so it wants to be a SHOOTER.. but it wants to be "The Anti-Call of Duty"? I mean, the obvious "Anti-Call of Duty" is a NON-shooter, right?

Ok, stop. This is getting silly. The dude clearly STOPPED in mid air for 2 seconds there.