
Nintendo keep pushing out all these new mega-evolutions and such. What they don't realize is that it's not the monsters that need to's the game.

It's a nitpick, but Street Fighter II was a 16-bit game on the SNES.

Dear diary: Today I used the comments section and pointed an obvious flaw in a fart joke setup. However, I can't shake the feeling that maybe the ridiculousness of the setup was part of the joke; I just hope that by posting that comment I didn't actually embarrass myself by showing to everyone that said fart joke went

Drumming in the science classroom. "I, too, like to live dangerously".

She isn't. Only in name, power, backstory, and everything else.

Too bad the "14 out of 20" study has been widely discredited, and its standards for a "false accusation" are much, much lower than what is reasonably considered a false accusation. A lack of evidence does NOT mean a false accusation, it means a lack of evidence, but the Rumney study counts it as a false accusation

You should read the Rumney paper rather than just copy / pasting a page from it.

I would argue that this is another anime "visual" cliche.

"... Where new ideas are nonexistent and lame trends are dragged to death."

I'm going to break my own rule about making personal attacks in comment sections, because you're stupid and should feel bad about yourself. Responding to *any* cosplay picture with HA HA SHES FAT DUHRR is like going to a comedy club during amateur night and farting into the microphone. Get off the internet until

This is a post about a clever cosplay on a sub-blog devoted to clever cosplays.

Just because something is one person or group's pastime doesn't mean it can't be another's.

Rendering fat people would be easier than rendering slim people with defined musculature.

"A lightning bolt has just struck that Koffing [coffin]" HOLY FUCKING ACCURACY, BATMAN

ahh yes Dota 2, the Moba that focuses entirely on all the tedious junk that made the original Dota map stink and holds that aloft as their trophy of superiority.

What people want is to be able to have whatever they want without consequences. They're totally fine with video games being treated as art, but only if they're never scrutinized the same way all other art is.

It seems like the only time you see a main character of color is when the game lets you customize the protagonist. And then, half the time, the darker skin tone options come out looking really odd. My first playthrough of Mass Effect was with a black FemShep, and it stuck me that when she was talking to Anderson or

This is a very old argument that goes back in every field of artistic criticism. Intent only matters after a certain extent. Human beings are influenced by all sorts of experiences that they might not explicitly be aware of, and these influences and experiences manifest in what we say, do, and write regardless of

Instead of "diversity," why aren't we still focusing on how various groups are stereotyped in games? Why is every lady well endowed and in her underwear? Why is every man roided out or thin, effeminate, and (usually) evil or old? Why is gay only used as a romancing option or a justification for tragic backstory?

Great , great article. As a Black man I am part of the group who on average games more than other groups. Yet there are very few games that ever star people from my demographic. I know the Kotaku posters won't agree but we need more diversity. The journalist, developers and fans who want you to stop asking just don't