
Well the assumption here is that the only options are serious and thoughtful or silly and mindless. Is it possible that the devs are getting at something or pointing something out with their choice. Perhaps they weren't being lazy at all. Maybe I'm totally wrong and it is all simple and straightforward, but if the

So the character creator has been driving me a bit crazy. I am an obsessive character crafter, but I have noticed that DA:I uses two different models for my character. It uses one during cutscenes (the exact one I crafted) and one during primary gameplay (which can be, depending on the character and the facial

I'm a little confused by your wording. I didn't tell anyone they were a terrible person. Or do you mean I am a terrible person for calling myself a vocal feminist? Either way, I've been told I can be quite delightful at bars so perhaps you are missing out.

I mean that point is fair and well taken, but in the context of an article about a bunch of forthcoming conversations around the term BBW online, that didn't jump out to me as exactly what you meant. Perhaps I misread your intention.

Edit for clarity: saying that people should keep their passing, unthoughtful comments

"Unless you're fat or attracted to a fat person or persons (and not in a Drake trying to be cute way), just shut your mouth about BBWs."

I find the growing trend of responding to overambitious male feminism and similar conversational phenomena with "just stay silent if you don't identify X way" to be VERY

Robots won't salt your grounds, but they will happily salt your earth .

I think you might be overreading the negative response. As is standard with questions about overemphasis on a female character's sexuality or outright objectification of female characters, these responses are people are mostly just asking questions. And the questions seems pretty fair. Wondering "how is this helpful

This actually doesn't apply. In modern combat, a cape is useful for breaking up apparent body shape making someone much harder to spot. The cape is only dangerous in the type of hyper-mobile action unique to the super hero genre. Even with some super powers at play, the cape could be really useful for people for whom

It's a social effect called aura. In essence, the image of the controller became so culturally huge that people started recognizing the image for its cultural weight separate from it's original purpose. Sticking with games, it's like how the floppy disk has come to represent the save file function. Of course aura is

You can like Nintendo and Samus and even the direction that Nintendo is taking Samus in and still admit that they are running some sex-focused, fan service.

Yes, they said so but it was a sorry excuse. Also, I haven't noticed Mario or Captain Falcon being put in "rocket heels" to he explain their double jumps.

I mean yes, if you totally ignore the context in which they are doing this new stuff it's not as problematic, but that's always technically the case isn't it?

Nah, that's just incorrect assumption because you either like the new direction for the character or haven't really paid attention to what the complainants are saying. People are annoyed, not with just this suit, but the larger direction in which they are taking Samus. Samus's toughness used to be core to the

Honestly I don't even have a problem with them featuring the old outfits as alternates to the Zero Suit. For me I am just bummed by the larger direction they have been taking the character in (the high heels are more emblematic of this than the more revealing costumes since, as you point out, the costumes are at least

This is true, but there has also been stuff like this. It's undeniable that they have always done a little bit of eye candy stuff with her, but of late they are really dialing back on the toughness stuff they also used to do while ramping up on the eye candy. The toughness of the character used to be a core element.

Generation X is pretty annoying. Wait, sorry. Mat Honan is pretty annoying. Mat Honan isn't Generation X. He's just one dude. Mat Honan will hopefully learn to speak for himself soon.

I was thinking of decay not as a disappearance of data, but rather as a means by which a more seemingly static medium (painting, notebook, etc) could contain autonomous changes in data much like a computer does. The change as a result of decay may or may not be interpretable by a conscious being of the container

Let's just stop with games that have racist stereotypes. It's not funny. Does anyone find it funny? It's not exciting or interesting. This shit is tired. You know, or you could just just make another mariachi-luchador-bandito because that's definitely the type of thing an intelligent adult would put into the game they

A notepad and canvas contain systems of data which shift over time and between viewers so they aren't different from the abacus in that respect (certainly the data systems they are capable of have much vaster complexity than an abacus). The computer makes some sense because its data systems can be made to shift in