
This might be even more unlikely, but what if they pulled a Fiona and Cake, and this is androgynously male Zelda and we will see, female link elsewhere?

That's sort of like saying, "well I am a fan of the color blue. It just doesn't make sense to me why people like red." People like choosing their avatar because that's just what their tastes are (and by people I mean a lot of people). Avatar creation and selection are a common part of gaming.

So, you don't think it

Because realism is the reason women weren't included in the games previously? Why not just stick with the more accurate argument, "the developers were indifferent/didn't think it was an important feature to include." You can then debate the politics of what that means, but "the game was trying to create an accurate

Honestly, LoL has a relatively friendly community at this point. MOBAs have a certain added degree of intensity to any social interaction (since you are stuck in a tense and intimate setting for the duration of a match). But, the devs have done a pretty impressive job coming up with built-in social policing/rewarding

You are so dumb, by which I mean: I <3 you.

So what you are trying to say is that I should replay the game in Wyatt's timeline?

The other side of things is that, just like adaptations' ability to take a good idea and make it bad, they can take a good/bad/mediocre idea and make it better. Look at Batman: the Animated Series. The changes and reworks that did (and there were a ton) were so good that the entirety of the comics shifted to be closer

Yeah, they did a smooth job of making Hitler and his double look a reich.

It seems like you guys got away from your original point, "there is nothing scary about that" ("that" being one's own insignificance in the face of having the "experience" of all of creation projected into you). I think that what your argument misses is that we aren't talking about how the universe would feel; we are

Appreciating good art and being tired of all-too-familiar boob emphasis aren't mutually exclusive activities.

These new guys. I've been blowing up the ocean since... before... that game.

This reminds me of the cheating tool my dad helped my build for my first PC game. After my family got our first PC computer, my mom took me to a computer store and let me get a game from the bargain bin. I chose Halloween Harry (a clone of the original, 2D Duke Nukem). The game had a cheat where if you held down the

It just reads as a different genre of writing. It's more personal essay and less game news journalism. It's not especially unusual, not even on Kotaku. Perhaps what is throwing you off is that the experience it is exploring is more recent and less general than some of the other personal essay style articles Kotaku has

Yeah, I don't understand their thought process here in the slightest. I find it hard to believe they were being lazy so I can't even fathom why a big group of artists and creative types would say, "let's choose the visually least interesting thing we could choose."

Today's discussion section lesson is:

The Internet loves bows. The Internet loves parkour. The Internet says you can suck a fuck if you combine bows and parkour.

From Dusk 'til Dawn

I can't. I can't make it through this quote without losing my shit with laughter.

"American kids these days are thinking about different careers altogether,' according to the president of New York Clown Alley. 'They're thinking about everything other than clowning."

The torpedoes didn't fly all the way down. It was a chain reaction. A CHAIN REACTION. It's almost like you people don't care about the space powerpoint that unimportant character showed to people in a sci fi film.