
Turns out, almost everything we saw is the secret level. The vast majority of the game is riding a motorcycle around in Saints Row.

"We believe that gamers are accepting of other races, religions and beliefs that are not their own."

The South doesn't face any similar problems with insect mating habits. All of the inbreeding is done by the people. OH SNAP!

I'd say that even if the sites were categorized the exact same way, it'd still be far worse for the men to be the shoppers. The history/social context makes all of the difference. With women shopping for men, it is aware of the history and laughs at it. With men shopping for women, it is just a re-inscription of

From my short-lived, tedious experience with OkCupid, this actually sounds awesome (for guys at least). If the weight of the first move (first message?) is put on the woman, it means guys won't be sending out dozens of soon-to-be-ignored messages and women won't have their inboxes inundated with messages from every

I mean, I certainly agree that Runeterra being a different world from ours makes race different there as well. That said, the characters in LoL are very definitely artistic creations and there is no such thing as racial neutrality (every race decision is a decision, even when people think they are "defaulting" to

That's why I was emphasizing general brownness rather than specifically blackness. I think that the visibility of black people and blackness within the discussion of race has more to do with the history of that discussion in America and how it has evolved rather than a denial of other brown folks.

So something not particularly original has been getting on my nerves. That's right, I'm taking it back there: brown-skinned champions in League of Legends.

Important question: if he went to a con wearing it just as it is right now (basketball shorts and, presumably, flip flops+socks), would that be more or less awesome than a completed full-body suit?

So I can either be a creepy uncle or someone everyone hates? Guess I better get drunk then. At least people like the drunk.

Can't we all just be homies? Seems like a far better option than being anybro.

Just to play devil's advocate, it looks to me like she is alive and expressing a sentiment other than "I'm sexually available," so couldn't this be a representation of her personality?

"She even says 'I don't know if the pills will work' (paraphrasing). Obviously she's not thinking clearly."

But, as I already wrote, unless you make that realism visible, you aren't selling realism; you are selling misinformation. The lack of knowledge is passed over so quickly that it doesn't even factor into the scene.

Sex and gender relations aren't only a problem when some pundit is promoting anti-feminism or when cases about domestic violence go to court; we are constantly immersed in and defined by all the facets of our culture. So when "a freaking zombie-themed drama show" totally misrepresents a relatively common part of life

So Hooters as a company definitely could have done better as far as fulfilling the school's request, but is that any reason to bash the waitress who was sent? I don't think people, disabled or otherwise, get enough exposure to other people willing to admit that they are on their way to their goals and it's not a

Aww man, you totally beat me to the punch.

Yeah, I wrote a similar post about how the game world + child assholerly promotes the urge to see the children put in their place in one way or another. I'd love a mod (or god forbid, a patch) which allowed players to impress or frighten the less friendly of the children.

I have an important question that I haven't seen quite addressed yet:

Yeah, I mean you can murder entire villages of people. I understand that children are more innocent and less capable of fighting back, but really, when you get down to it, murder is murder. Seems pretty ridiculous that murdering an adult in cold blood should be treated as so acceptable in comparison to murdering a