Oops, misread things. Ignore this post.
Oops, misread things. Ignore this post.
That's sort of the point. Of course, the free to play label isn't even that accurate to be applied to Guild Wars (because it very definitely is not free to play), but even if it were, the business model is far from the only element that could define a game's success or influence.
Indeed. Victor seems most interested with some type of end point. Futurism at its finest if you will because the contextual issues of current limitation (or any limitation) are thrown out the window. So his approach and interests are useful, but they are at their most useful for a concept designer. As you point…
They aren't "making" money. Money is merely a representation of produced resources. And produced resources have a finite amount (all the people working in the world can only produce X amount each day). Functioning as a system then, when 10% takes 90%, they are taking more than the share of the work they produced. …
I'm on board for the theory, but Victor doesn't seem to be thinking presently enough. First off, all technology is transitional technology. He uses a hammer as his example of an ideal tool, but anyone even vaguely familiar with construction knows that a nail gun is infinitely preferable to a hammer for anything…
You hate oversimplification but you call the borrowers and home buyers criminally ignorant? Think about the way our legal and business system is organized. It is very specifically designed to be illegible to those untrained in its language and practices. Further, a major issue related to the practices of banks and…
Is the illegality of theft an act of jealousy? If I manage to steal something from you, are you "jealous" for wanting it back? If you and I both put in a day's work, but I rig the system so that I take away 60% of our labor and you take away 40%, I'd say I have just stolen from you. Would you be "jealous" for…
Step 1: find exploit
Three words I am hoping will finish off WoW's dominance and permanently force a change in the MMO business model...
Yeah, I remember the days back when I would respond to various epithets people would throw around online. It would almost inevitably result in someone being even more obnoxious and then the whole cave of mole people would sound off at their chance to find other people impressed with their stupidity. My favorite…
From my experience, different games draw very different crowds. I remember back when I switched from Counter Strike to Team Fortress 2, the relative absence of slurs and insults was astounding. Then again, since TF2 was newer, it also had a smaller audience, so there is probably some truth to the idea that larger…
That makes me so happy.
"So I was just there, masturbating in a grave yard under this really horrible statue that I like to masturbate under, when Bruce Lee just exploded out of his grave. It was... odd."
I'd love to play 30-40 something CJ. Bring that dude back!
Okay, so by Roddenberry's rules the molecules always "belong to" the vampire. I see our problem would still remain in the Buffy or Trueblood universes (though, for the Trueblood universe there is only a problem if the vampire's magic is in action at the molecular level; otherwise I imagine things would just revert to…
I think we have to establish a couple things first. Most importantly, is the magic which keeps a vampire from entering a house functional at the molecular level or does it only manifest when a sort of vampire-existential threshhold has been reached? Secondly, what are the constraints on the vampire's entry. Is it…
"But Frank, why would those two roommates want to take each other's name?"
Michael Jai White and Rutger Hauer!? Nerd-gasp