I think Timberoo sort of beat you to the punch.
I think Timberoo sort of beat you to the punch.
Overcompensation or not, that burger makes me hungry. I'd love to eat a slice of giant burger and one of those pickles right now.
It's commonly know that John of Damascus' writings upon the "beasts of carriage" are apocrypha. At this rate you are going to tell me that you believe in the writings of Joseph Smith about Jesus riding a mammoth across the Americas.
Step 1: release the bees
Step 1: release the bees
Step 1: release the bees
Step 1: release the bees
"Look at all these fucking costumes," indeed.
He was carried in on a swarm of Eoraptors, you filthy heathen. I will burn every museum and university containing Diplodocus fossils to the ground now.
I don't think sucks is quite fair, but I am not a particularly huge fan of Blizzard myself. They definitely make some impressive stuff, but no other big-name company can create material which is so personally polarizing for me on so many different levels.
You know, in many ways I agree. My own experience of bosses is often one of dread (maybe not so bad as TheBlackHole25's), and I do think they often break up the experience, BUT as someone who is story focused I think that such breaks actually add a lot.
I remember, back with WC3, before WoW, when the Pandaren Brewmaster was an April Fools Day joke (before they actually made the Pandaren Brewmaster a hero in the expansion). Now the Pandaren are an entire expansion. Interesting...
Just doesn't really interest me. I guess it's more for the big-time Blizzard fans. I'll stick with LoL and check out DOTA2
Hulu, Netflix, etc. Who needs a TV these days?
Oh, I am sure I can play it, it just looks very nice with the particle physics going.
Well 1) I'd have to spend money on a console... and a tv 2) consoles aren't really my thing outside of playing at a friend's place 3) I'd have to worry about being a frat boy console loser REVERSE ZING! :P
So what you are saying is I shouldn't buy this game until I get a new computer because I'll be missing out on so much... Oh 8800, I remember when you used to be the shit rather than just shit.
No way broseph, Korean MMOs are for drooling babies and people with vaginas. Real gamers play DotA and cut themselves every time they fail to cancel an enemy last hitting a creep.
At the start of the video he is a sloppy, pudge-faced, little man. Are you sure he wasn't already a gamer ;D
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