
Those are good games overall, but as far as actual RPG gameplay, Planescape is in a whole other league.

Does going through all of the videos of the dying clones in Moon count? That's like metaphorically crawling over a pile of your dead alternate selves.

The closest I can think of would be Planescape: Torment on the PC. It's way off beat fantasy rather than cyberpunk and it is certainly slow to start, but I have heard it repeatedly said that it is the single greatest RPG video game ever made. I haven't completed it yet, so I can't rule in, but I can assure you that

Yeah, I mean my current rig will play it. The demo ran surprisingly smooth (at near lowest settings) but god would it be nice to just kick all those sliders to the top and let my eyes make love.



*sigh* The game is not going to look this way for me for a while. I am going to try and wait until closer to the next console flip to build a new computer to really maximize longevity, but this old girl is getting pretty old (built her in October 2006). Pretty soon my Nvidia 8800 will not even hit minimum specs...

I was trying to figure out how the heck all of the "kiss her" comments related to the story. Scroll back up; remember the header pic. "Oh right, some people don't read after something like that. Silly people."

What's the U stand for?

Is there any political reason for using "GLBT" instead of "LGBT" or is it just personal preference? I've only ever heard LGBT before so I am curious.

I'm oddly sort of there with you. I really like the concept behind the steampunk aesthetic, but almost always I hate the actual appearance of what people make for these costumes. They're always so gaudy and ridiculous. Every once in a while I see some steampunk art or, even less common, someone wearing

I'm sure someone else can do this idea better.

Now playing

As depicted in this Youtube classic, just be careful who you scare. Even someone who looks very relaxed may have nerves like steel springs.

It's only a straw man if I am misrepresenting your argument. There is no middle ground between these two options, though you could argue for branching options after one or the other.

Am I the only one who is totally pleased that the name "Raytheon-Sarcos" sounds like it could be an evil corporation in a story?

Mmm, I could see the argument for an adaptation or using it as inspiration and then just slapping the title on there for the sake of financial backing (i.e. being artistically honest about your total separation from the first film, even if some/many of the same people are involved). However, the concept of a remake

Hear hear.

I agree that the generalization of an extremist's statements is a little on the broad-brushed side. But still, inherent to the concept of men's rights is an ignorance to men's privilege and, thereby, the desire to strengthen the oppression of women. So no, they don't all support murder, but they do all support

Wait, who suggested that?

It was sort of his fault that everything went to shit. He released the infection into the city in his search for answers.