Good or bad, with the Superman outfit you can tell they are at least trying to make something positive. Every single time changes are made to the original trilogy, I just feel like George Lucas is saying fuck you to my inner child.
Good or bad, with the Superman outfit you can tell they are at least trying to make something positive. Every single time changes are made to the original trilogy, I just feel like George Lucas is saying fuck you to my inner child.
In the pics so far, Supes' hair is plastered back and Clark has the little front curl thing... :/
This may answer your question.
But the hair-backwardness though... It's such a simple thing, but swooping Superman's hair back and giving Clark the signature curl seems so wrong to me. It's a silly thing to gripe over, I know, but since Superman has such a simple look, I feel like changes like that really stand out.
I just can't understand nerdophobes. I've done more than my fare share of nerdy things in my life (Magic the Gathering included) so maybe I'm too desensitized, but I just can't grasp why an adult would be freaked out by the relatively mundane pastimes of other adults. Are there any commenters out there who could…
Yeah, Steam will never punish you for pre-ordering too early. Well, they haven't yet anyway...
Better idea: []
I think it is a pretty big stretch to equate the way men are represented in media to the way women are represented. People get caught up in their arguments so much that they flat out forget reality. If you want to argue for having heavily sexed female characters in the games you play, be honest about it. It seems…
You're not down with bro'ing it up with the bros?
I hate to see io9 news degenerate into being a cum rag.
Would you say that there is a big load of semen-news?
I mean, the "coverings" themselves might actually be the so titled "doodads." Otherwise, it's just physiologically safer to have your genitals covered; lots of animals have genitals housed entirely inside their bodies.
What I mean about the magical evolution thing is that it doesn't exactly need to follow a logic of function. If function was an issue, the lore actually supports you even more so since, as far as I remember, the Sylvari don't reproduce themselves at all (they are all born from a magical tree as adults). Heck, they…
They're plant people. How do you know those aren't their doodads?
Since they were magically evolved from a sentient tree who took its inspiration for them from the acts of a centaur, I think your questions of their physiology don't really apply.
I saw this earlier today and I just love how blown and confused the women seems in response to the dance number/blowoff.
My hope would be that EA will switch tactics, either now or in the future and work to make Origin the best online distribution system rather than an average or sub-par system with exclusive hold on EA games. I agree that EA's tactics are, as you say, "understandable," seeing the vicious vice grip Valve has on the PC…
The problem is that EA's strategy isn't promoting competition, it's just trying to force consumers to its side. It doesn't actually offer anything new, it is just detracting from other services. I should want to use Origin; I shouldn't have to.
As bad as it sounds, as a proper noun it should be "Batmans."
Bethesda should just insert 50 more words into their shittily long title and then they can sue everyone.