
The slave holders and the politicians maintained their system and fought to do so. They defended slavery for the selfish reason of maintaining economic status quo, not as some moral sacrifice to avoid an economic collapse. I'm not sure where you are getting this potential anarchy idea. Your description of the

There are many layers to what the Confederacy became but it is flat out historical fact that it was created for the protection of slavery. A "necessary evil" sounds really great when the people deciding its necessity paid none of the burden for it.

You seem to miss your own point. It is not that our current exploitations make our past exploitations alright. But rather that our past exploitations should make us understand all the more that our current exploitations are wrong. Anything different is just excuse and apology. Are our only options ignorance to the

The Civil War BECAME more than a war for slavery, but you flat out don't know your history if you claim that it started for other reasons.

You are right and wrong on so many levels. Intrinsic to every argument for the morality of the South is purposeful ignorance to the humanity of the slave. "The South was trapped by others so of course they exploited the blacks. What else were they do to do?" I'm sorry to be so harsh but that is honestly what you

I get where you are coming from Jawmuncher, but I would have to ask why you would want to revise a major historical symbol like that. There are plenty of other symbols which could fit similar purposes to how people are using the Confederate flag without obscuring history (the Revolutionary war "Don't Tread On Me"

I think "dead" is a little strong, especially since the history is still very visible in the U.S. and the same ideologies still have considerable hold on the collective consciousness, even if in far more subtle fashions (subtle though, sadly not much less insidious). Like the Nazi war memorabilia, I think that the

I'll agree with that, but having an item that an ancestor used is very different from flying a symbol or displaying an icon of the ideology that they fought for.

While I don't find the uniform particularly bothersome, I do want to respond to a lot of the comments I have seen below which seem to confuse or misunderstand Confederate history.

I'm not offended by the outfit, but there is some stuff that needs correction in your statements.

Intrinsic to the "Southern pride," "rebel" claim is a revision/ignorance of history. Jefferson Davis, backed by the Confederate leadership, specifically stated that the purpose of the Confederacy was to defend slavery. The people who claim Southern pride-use aren't bad people, but they also don't know their own

I see the use of the Confederate flag in a rather different light than you. It isn't a reminder about the inescapability of history but rather an attempt to escape it.

"Why!? Why did they program me to feel pain?"

But... But I love both...

Hey, humanity has thousands of years of stupid under its belt. Don't blame the young ones for carrying on tradition.

You misunderstand a few things. First of all, my use of "dialect" refers to the attempt to transcribe a different pronunciation of familiar language, not to the relationship between the language being spoken and English. Second, the words used in Kreyol drawn from English are spelled identically to their English

It's nothing new, but I am always extremely impressed how good these games look.

I was thinking more artistically than educationally (though they aren't necessarily separate). Sometimes the best way to learn about something is through storytelling (the best documentaries do just as much storytelling as any fiction after all) so I don't think there would be any reason for video games to avoid war

Interesting read, though I personally found his disconnection from his subjects a little blatant (and not in a positive self-acknowledging way).

I'd agree that they can't replicate the real experience but shouldn't is a different thing entirely. I don't think enough game try to treat violence as a real thing. It is always so happy and fun. Very seldom (and never completely) have I ever felt a twinge of any feeling when doing gruesome things in games. Maybe