
It's sort of like if Superman was afraid of a fight so he sort of looked into the distance and said "oops, left the oven on" and then flew off. Yeah, it's just like that except Superman would have to be really stupid too.

People on twitter always write good. I don't know what you're problem is.

"Imagine how I feel."

I'm not against people trying; it's rather obviously a necessity. But, saying that the primary solution if for people to start trying is silly because people ARE trying to make it. People are trying HARD. There is a lot of *ehem* "stuff" out there claiming that the majority of people are lazy and have no goals, but

Asians are actually predominately just as poor and underprivileged as other minorities. Even so, it is important to remember that racism in its present form isn't an entirely economic/class concern in the way it has previously been. So, anyone who is non-white is 100% lacking in the privileges of whiteness even if

I definitely wouldn't ever tell somebody to NOT do consumer activism (matching the location of money and mouth is always a good thing) I am always just wary when people mention consumer activism because it is so often promoted as a/the solution.

That's a pretty sexy 1, 2 punch. You cover the packages with the ugly and have adverts showing how good it is not to buy.

Very well put. I'd also meagerly add that for people first picking up cigarettes, it has to at least be something of a deterrent as well.

I agree and disagree. A good number of the things you mentioned have some other benefit or role in life and the others (fatty foods and booze) aren't as addictive (and fatty foods certainly aren't as deadly). The tobacco industry has always stood out to me because they are very distinctly aiming for and profiting

Never thought about that side of things. Another win for American individualism I guess.

They would also have to see the images every time they took out a cigarette so there could be some potential cumulative effect. I don't know if I think this will be as effective as one would hope it would be, but I do foresee cigarette case speculators making a mint.

To be fair, sex is a fun way to enjoy life; smoking is a "fun" way to enjoy death.

Well that relies upon the logic that 1) women or minorities just aren't as capable as white men and 2) choosing a white man is a race/gender neutral choice.

As an important point though, the power of the Birmingham boycott was in the openly "publicized" collectivity of the action. Everybody stood up together and made it know that they were standing up together.

"WTF? You can't be attractive AND a productive member of a team?"

To play devil's advocate to the people saying she shouldn't have put her arm around a stranger, he and the other Hasids were the first to begin physically crowding and prodding her. The hug was an escalation of a "friendly" shoving match which those men began.

There is a long history of Western society using misogyny in other cultures to show them as more backwards or barbaric. The naturally occurring other side of this is to ignore or rationalize the misogyny in Western culture. Because Judaism is generally accepted as integrated into the West (even in its fundamentalist

What would Jesus do? Apparently the answer is hover hands. Oh and racism.

I don't think that video does a very good job of alerting me to its "work in progress" status. They should really try harder.

Thank you... Thank you.