
When this came out in highschool, I came for the ladies but I stayed for the story. I really enjoyed it and I think that it's not fair to say that it has to fit into one of a series of boxes to be appealing. Honestly, I don't think its structure of playful self mockery intertwined with serious attempts at a

You do you, but there are certain things I will just never understand.

I think you have your figures mixed up. He didn't spend $10,000; he spent $100,000.

Now I get that this is part of a custom I am not a part of, but wouldn't it make more sense to spend that 100k hosting an event and having your favorite 2 or 3 ladies from the group as guests?

Ugh. And the pirates will have the DRM stripped out in a month or two and paying customers will still be fucked. Way to go Capcom. You really know how to stick it to your customers.

Man, I knew I always watched a lot of the black shows, but damn. I think I saw nearly every episode of every one of the shows mentioned from the 80's and 90's (except Moesha for some reason). Never realized it.

Thanks Dodai, both for posting the video and for your mention of what I view to be a serious, serious problem of misunderstandings of racism.

I think that the problems of the current popular understanding of race stems from that very sentiment that racists are evil, stupid, and most importantly, distinguishable from anyone else in their relationship to racist ideology.

In that case, I wish you had anchored the article in that conversation (or your previous contemplations of Arcangel in general). It feels like you have a lot of previous thoughts about Arcangel which spur the title and go largely unspoken in your exploration of him. I can only imagine that it would have made me more

The whole "is he an asshole" bit didn't even fit into the discussion of the article. It just sort of cropped up at random to justify the title. Le sigh...

I've bought so many Capcom games on PC goddamnit. Don't short me on this one claiming some piracy garbage.

Screw the peanut gallery. Enjoy what you enjoy man. I for one am still confused by how much better I liked the Disney princesses when they were made into hipsters. Glasses are hot (and apparently so are scarves; I still can't make sense of Pocohantas).

Global capitalism is real weird and people have a myriad of different ways of connecting with it. Prison guards forcing somebody to make them money on the internet doesn't sound totally insane (even if there is a little absurd comedy in the method).

I think people are missing some of the point. Certainly, the people who cheer for these pro-sports teams are very aware of the situation and choose to go into it. One commenter made some excellent points that cheerleading for the Redskins is built specifically to be like a hobby (you have to already have a job or be

Just watched the latest Twilight movie today with Rifftrax. It's how I've seen the entire series, and it's been AMAZING. The Twilight series is easily comparable with any old MST3K movies out there. Do watch.

Let's be honest. This is going to be just like a paper for class. That extra time spent after the due date is not making it better; it's just shoving whatever crap you have out the door.

I think we are already as close as we are going to get to "The Room" of video games.

Among my friends, we have often made reference to statements and actions which are so racist that you aren't even mad, you're just sort of confused that it even happened. This is sort of like that.

To begin, the phrase, "now what happens now" is meme-worthy in its glory.

Ok, how are you using "oppress"? Do you just mean they will take advantage of their positions or what?