You can definitely still experiment. Don'g get me wrong; it's still probably the most impressive avatar creator out there, they just put way more limitations on the actual character you can play with unless you pay the monthly.
You can definitely still experiment. Don'g get me wrong; it's still probably the most impressive avatar creator out there, they just put way more limitations on the actual character you can play with unless you pay the monthly.
"It doesn't take the most powerful nations on earth to create the next global conflict, just the will of a single man."
I disagree because to oppress you need the means to do so. Your reasoning is why I say that hierarchy is inescapable, but if you create a system where everyone has pretty much the same economic situation and the same access to education/jobs regardless of gender, ethnicity, or lineage then oppression isn't really…
To begin, horny does not equal whore (in general, whore is a pretty stupid term unless you are literally talking about someone's profession).
That's cool. It makes sense if they have history. Women throwing themselves at him for various reasons also makes sense. It's only a problem if he is the one initiating and all he does is grunt and point at his dick.
I think that while some form of hierarchy may not be escapable, oppression is a social construct and could potentially be removed. In my view, it's a matter of changing the focus of competition. Remove material wealth and refocus people's effort into personal accomplishment (i.e. you study and work hard to get a…
There must be a lot of characterization that happens before this point because a grisly dude with an insane case of red-eye probably won't be able to seduce most women with lines like "mhmmmm. You should take a bath."
What was amazing about the first APB was the customization system. Combat ranged anywhere from fun to painful, matchmaking was broken, weapons were obscenely imbalanced, hacking was rampant... But customization was actually amazing.
Ya know. I know for a fact that it would taste delicious (BBQ is quite definitely my favorite food) but just the fact that it is made to look like a dessert really grosses me out. The mind is a funny thing.
You can't tell at normal speed but when he was point blank shooting at me his aim was off and as I ran around him, he never quite got his aim centered properly. He didn't start actually hitting me until I was running away (and he did actually kill me once I was off camera).
Well, the comic that was released with the replay update showed the director of all the "Meet the..." videos getting killed... So who knows.
I have really enjoyed the whole Replay update/Saxxy Awards thing. I just wish I hadn't been swamped the whole time so I could've made more entries.
Bonus points if you use a long sleeve shirt and leave one of the arms wrapped around a big stack of porno mags.
George Lucas - stop making changes like you were the only person who had anything to do with Star Wars. All of your changes are BAD. Come on man. Have a little humility for god's sake.
This sounds like what I am looking for in my modern warfare games. I'll have to check it out.
Sincere question: what's the difference between Arma and the Battlefield series? I've never played it. It is just more realistic in terms of damage or what?
So what you are saying is that capitalism is making people act like dicks for profit? Unbelievable.
Every single class is a new character idea for me. God, GW1 has devoured my time in the past so I don't even want to talk about what GW2 will do. Excitement!