I was wondering what I could do with my Spectacle Island.
I was wondering what I could do with my Spectacle Island.
And here I am struggling to find 50 for the trophy.
I want to upgrade him so badly but don’t want to lose his handybot look.
Planned on it. I finished the quest a few days ago.
The video shows it running at 60 FPS so I assume the game actually does?
Is there talk of it being cross buy?
So is this a viable game as just a single player experience? I don’t see myself going online to get crushed.
Just looks like a ton of bloom got added.
There’s actually 1 second left on the clock.
I gave ETS2 and I got engrossed as well. I crashed into a guard rail and haven’t played since but once ATS comes out I’ll be more than happy to jump in. I was describing it to my friend as something I never expected to like but ended up really into it.
Ooo I didn’t know there was a VC version I was just going to buy it on Vita. Decisions, decisions...
The Undertale fandom is the worst thing to happen in 2015.
Patriots fans on the other hand...not so much.
Fucking squares. The home jerseys don’t have the names on the back though, Mr. Modder.
Came here to say this.
TWD Season 1 is on GWG next month on both systems.
TWD Season 1 is on GWG next month on both systems.
The fact that it has a story and actual objectives puts it above Minecraft for me. Plus I love DQ anything so...
Instead of playing the first Gravity Rush when it comes out on PS4 I'll play it on my Vita to give the little guy a confidence boost.