
Pretending bullying is black and white, and that the world can be sliced into “bullies” and “the bullied”, is always a bit daft.

And would a Real ‘Murican sell “Chinese Lunch Fried Rice” - whatever the fuck that is? I think not!!!

Now playing

Racists wouldn’t get caught watching a thoughtful, factually informative video by a Brit, otherwise God forbid he/she would learn something.

Decimals are for highfalutin ivory tower fags.

This cannot be stated enough.

Yeah... Puerto Rico became part of the United States over a century ago. This is literally a case of “We didn’t land on Plymouth Rock. Plymouth Rock landed on us.”

And hammer it time and again until the election so people do not forget.

“Your comment is no different”. For fuck’s sake. It’s vastly different. That false equivalence merits contempt.

You can make the argument that since the State of Texas lost the prior Supreme Court Ruling but the Supreme Court is now made up of a stolen Justice who was not there prior, that they think maybe this time they can push it through.

Here’s what you do.

As a white person married to a Japanese American and who had a Chinese best friend, I’m more offended that she thinks Asians are interchangeable.

Actually, having read through the responses, he’s been nothing but measured and intelligent, with everyone else’s responses looking like the incoherent braying of dogs in comparison.

I don’t think kids (even teenagers) have ridden bicycles to the mall since 1989.

Then Jalopnik will write an article about how HOA’s are the worst and people will argue about it in the comments. And someone’s neighbors will sue them or something.

The HOA is gonna be super pissed about this.

Even with a complete nitwit at the helm, the cat-like Range Rover will always land on its feet. Truly the best the wuhhhhhhhlld.

The woofer box just popping out the back is the best part of this.

FWIW, I’m a Jez reader, too, and I don’t deny that its community has some issues (especially around race), but I never saw anyone say anything like this.... (If there’s some down-thread rando(s) that did, that’s hardly an indictment of all of Jez.)

Feelings are running high today, the takes will be scorching and rightly so. Everyone is bringing their own baggage and experiences to their analysis of this fucked up situation. With that said, I read Jezebel quite a bit and never saw anything like what you’re describing and if someone did post something like that