
Companies like Google and Apple don’t even want you to you hold the door open for someone behind you lest you inadvertently give them access to an area they shouldn’t. And i’m not talking about a corporate spy or anything nuts like that - the person behind you might be a legitimate fellow employee! the level of

based on your post, I agree: mindkind’s needs a fucking reset.


“something called doggie diner”

NONE of them. you checked with every last one. not one of those people, standing in disgusting, polluted flood water up to their fucking chest, is in a life-threatening situation. go fuck yourself, asshole

Most of mine were based almost exclusively on trading cards that i had...for example, Dexter Carter of the San Francisco 49ers because of this photo:

at first I thought Breitbart Chud was a teammate’s name.

have you ever even looked at a map? of the five states “closest” to NK - Alaska, Hawaii, WA, OR, CA - only Alaska voted for Trump. Nevada didn’t vote for him either.

YEAH, why can’t they just BE CARS?

In SF terms, it’s sort of in the sticks. but SF is so small that it’s sort of irrelevant. on a good day, can drive to downtown in 15 mins.

I presume most of these places have garages, but, it’s possible they are only one-car garages. this is in SF; and these are rich folks; they may have more cars than parking spots. if they live on a tiny rotary with gated entry, you can bet they were parking their second (or third) vehicle on the street, or their

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I noticed Dying Inside by Saint Vitus is not listed, so it’s fair game!

I’m seriously curious WHY it pisses you off.

found the Monsanto shill

i guarantee you nobody used that halfpipe.

wow, it’s almost like they’re human, just like us!

it does, and recently i discovered a shortcut for this: hold option and click the notification center icon in the finder window. toggles the DND mode.

My favorite part about that legitimate scam is that most of them did not bother to read the pamphlet on top of the application saying that by applying for the card (that had some obscene interest rate) they’d also be signing up for a subscription to Sports Illustrated - to be automatically charged to the card, thus

yup. $50/game. we probably worked on the same crew.

hey man everyone knows the real action was INSIDE the park, selling credit card applications to drunk dudes so they could get a free beach towel.