
Buying bulk spices is also great because who the fuck wants to spend $8 on a jar of something that you only need 1 tsp for in a specific recipe?

and THAT, my friends, is why all your home improvement / construction projects take five times longer than the contractor said it would

i sure as shit hope he does !

that does make sense, but something tells me that instead of having his money invested in a fund that returns more than the IRS interest penalty, he spends it on:

Better than The Baby Song?!?!? jk

what a fucking douche!


he was resisting!

when you’re a glorified mall cop who apparently is under-qualified for anything else in law enforcement, yes.

Christ, what DIDN’T the Nazis put a swazi on?

SF and Chicago both have EXTENSIVE public transit networks, not a lack of. while the reliability of SF leaves much to be desired, no one who has spent any time there would say it lacks it.

Chicago has amazing public transit. San Francisco is also known for their public transit, but not for it being amazing...more for it being a fucking joke. I’ve lived in both cities and taken public transit extensively in both.

come on. as if JR Smith has ever said that.

damn, someone hand this guy the key to the city

it’s clearly Eddie.

now i KNOW that’s not legal in TN

Same thing happened to me at a very large advertising agency. fuck that place.

it’s sorta fitting given the line, “Out there there’s a fortune waiting to be had, you think i’d let it go - you’re mad, you’ve got another thing comin’”

If I ever quoted Savage Garden in my suicide note, I’d kill myself