
You have to take the good with the bad. It's up to consumers to recognize this, not to be forced to accept the difference. Also an "efficient" reporting system is incredibad, since it can be abused. See YouTube reporting, where devs use it to shut down bad reviews.

Maybe play it a bit more, without rushing?

The Mircosoft presser showed no balls.

I know, let's rip off Old Boy -

Everything has been done before, but this isn't even trying.

Someone already did - look up the Blackwell series of adventure games. It looks dated, but its story is infinitely better and the concept is almost identical.

Oh my word man! How can you damn these men to jail. Everyone knows that unless you steal something physical, it ain't no crime. Can someone really steal an idea!? No! Can someone steal, so called, intellectual property? Never, that's like saying someone stole your brain cells - impossible! These hard working,

The only reason I wouldn't want to play DS2 with a 3-year old is because of the Encyclopedia of curse words I would unleash as I play...

That Big Bang picture makes my face cry.

Are you a gay fish?

Shut up Kanye, if you cared about suicide, you would've had the decency to try it first.

Say what you will but that approach is far more in the public space than writing shady clauses in contracts behind the curtains... which is what XBox does.

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I would've dressed up like this if it meant my parents gave me any attention.

Oh this again.

If the terms of use details weren't updated before these bans, then those people might actually have a case...

I can, even now, hook up my computer to an HDMI enabled TV, plug in a controller and play on it.

Yeah. I will be. Peggle is piggybacking for some exposure. Dispicable.

Is it cynical to think this may be fake, created as a "viral" promotion for Peggle 2?

Not supporting mp3s is hardly comparable to what MS tried to pull.