
Unless you can prove SONY actively excluded women from appearing on stage, I don't want to hear your damn crying.

Here's a scary thought; we're somebody else's alternative universe and right now - our Big Bang wiped them out and is currently destroying intelligent life that might've been around billions of years before the Big Bang.

You're taking the wrong drugs right now.

Now playing

They're fake dude! They're only there to hunt down and kill geeks; it's shocking.

I just looked at this article and quit, straight up walked away. Why?

Here's an idea; in the game make same-sex totally ILLEGAL then set up a free expansion, DLC, event (ala GW2) or whatever that has players fight for gay rights throughout the galaxy crushing oppressive tyranny because Jedis are all about the light side.

Funny thing, I remember reading both comments as they were made and thinking, "Fuck I respect the honestly and no bullshittery of these guys."

Say what you will; it's been in the news for the wrong reasons almost as much this year.

So which was the biggest gaming scam this year? Diablo 3 or War Z?

These are supposed to be shit.

Do you guys often ripoff article ideas from VICE?

What can I say; if the classics work, why reinvent them?

In which case a Poke is the only attack I'll ever need.

Is there any work on expansions ala Nightfall, Factions and Eye of the North in the pipeline? If so, will we see new classes, dynamics etc.

I have this theory that're we're getting stupider because we're less likely to destroy ourselves this way.

Cue the #corrections - 'Tenn Wolf' should be Teen Wolf unless this is about some road-travelling country singer who fights vampires in his spare time.

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Well I assumed a comment on THIS article referred to THIS article and not every issue related to it in the world.