Deadpool - Do I still think in those little yellow boxes?

True. I have a theory though. It's all part of the local demographic. You're not by chance located in/around a major city, nice suburb or military base are you? I've noticed that the quality control as far as employees go at dealerships seems to be much lower in these locations.

"We can see why "Nikola" would be taken, but does anyone else find it humorous that just plain "Nicola" was already taken too?"

Heh, exactly what I thought.

Sounds like Honda and Mazda apply the same customer service tactics. The Mazda service techs put transmission fluid into my clutch master cylinder in my old RX-8. I realized it about a week later when my clutch pedal went to the floor and didn't return, popped the hood and noticed that there was an unusually dark

That beautiful, beautiful noise!

Damn that sounds mean!

If I could star you, I would. Excellent write up. You do not send a fighter to do a fighter-bomber's job. I think the powers that be actually got it right this time around, the F/A-18 was the perfect aircraft for the job. Carrier based so it could stay relatively close (whereas the F-15E and A-10 would have taken

Rather than assume all police officers are asshole who like to use excessive force, maybe you should consider the fact that those individuals account for a fraction of a percent of police officers in our country and they lose their jobs when they do step out of line. The other 99.5% of us are kinda like referees in

It's a shame everyone immediately went "Drunk! Off with his head!" There's so many medical options. Type 1 Diabetes, Severe Concussion, Stroke, Epilepsy, etc.

They need to bring back heart clicks damn it!

I thought the same thing. Stroke or severe concussion, as his behavior is reminiscent of the stories I heard from my buddies about how I behaved after I had some major trauma to my brain housing group.

Just throwing it out there, but his behavior doesn't say drunk or stoned. It says stroke or severe concussion. Failure of short term memory and repetition of actions, able to speak fairly coherently, but unable to focus on simple tasks, etc. He certainly shouldn't be on the road, but don't judge him too harshly, as

A few weeks ago, I was taking my turn at playing goalkeeper during a men's 5v5 soccer tournament and my head ended up on the receiving end of a foot traveling at a high rate of speed and motivation. I was only unconscious for a few seconds, but there's a good thirty minutes after the incident that I don't remember.

Nope! Right there with you.

+1 more beer.

That was nuts. Now put your gloves back on and get back up to the finish line!

Does it by chance belong to this gentleman?

Pathetic, isn' it? But like the CPT said, they're scared of the lawsuit.

Well done Mr. Kline! It's a damn shame that so many businesses are run by nancies who lack the intestinal fortitude to actually do something about these shop lifters. The world needs more people like you who refuse to take shit from anyone.

There's a special place in hell reserved for bastards like this. Just wish they'd expedite sending him there.