Deadpool - Do I still think in those little yellow boxes?

Thank you for cracking me up. First at the obviously not serious question, and then again upon reading the responses. Well played!

#8 - In the event that you do use your turn signals properly and someone speeds up to prevent you from changing lanes, just start changing over anyways (slowly). They'll move, I promise.

Waitaminute! Are you and Slid Pissed Tossed Mazda3hatch the same person?

Where do I tell my friends and family to sign?

"Whereas in 40K 30 models will get you two squads, even just one with some armies."

I approve! I really want to get into 40K beyond Dawn of War but I have two problems:

You win sir! #cotd

I can't help but chuckle at the delivery of some of those lines. No one in the military talks like that...still, very cool idea.

I was just going to use the generic ISWYDT image, but then I saw this one and well, I just couldn't help myself!

TORQUES! -Jeremy Clarkson

I kinda like it. Not too over the top, but different enough to stand out, IMO. The question is...where does it go on the cool wall???

Now playing

Because we have to share with those who haven't seen it yet ;)

It's one of those paradoxical scenarios. If you fight, you potentially escalate the situation into a lethal one. If you don't fight, he may kill you anyways. There are so many other circumstances we aren't aware of that it becomes difficult to determine which course of action is the best.

Hey, we follow Christian ideologies here in the colonies too...we're just a little more old testament in our interpretation. Wait...does that make us Jewish?

This. The kid watched too many movies.

Damn dude, they jumped all over you! The internet needs to take a serious chill pill...

As did we all friend. As did we all.


Christ on a crucifix, my grammar was terrible in that last post. Let me apologize for that now. Apparently the break was warranted because my brain has gone to mush.