Deadpool - Do I still think in those little yellow boxes?

*drool* Damn it! I thought I'd gotten over that automatic response...

Excuse me, Richard? Hey just wanted to introduce myself, my name's Richard too. Just thought that since we share the same name and all, maybe you wouldn't mind giving me your address? Why? Oh, you know, so I can come by and, check out your cars and we can talk about cars...and stuff. What's

Bonus, those people would learn to appreciate their nice vehicles more because they had to earn them, rather than just taking the trust fund mommy and daddy provided and buying whatever the little rugrat wanted so they can smash it a few weeks later.

I completely forgot about that one! Next time we take fire out on mission, I'm so yelling that.

That is an excellent point. Aggression does beget aggression. Damn, here I thought I was an angry person. And I get shot at and blown up for a living.

Wait, wait, wait! Genius! That should be a national law! Give the new drivers a fifteen year old car with a four banger, manual transmission, no traction control, no ABS, no AWD, etc. Instead of blue, maybe paint them bright fucking neon yellow so we know which vehicles to stay away from, and if Darwin doesn't

I think someone's having a rough day. I couldn't help but notice that all the posts correcting an earlier typo have mysteriously vanished into #trollpatrol land. Is it just me or shouldn't they have been cast into corrections, as no real trolling to place?

It does seem that all people do nowadays is whine and bitch. "Oh woe is me, I want a BMW with AWD so I can have social status, but it has to be AWD because I'm a complete nancy who doesn't know how to drive when it starts to sprinkle outside. But I don't want an Audi because they're not as prestigious as BMW. Did I

Cool in theory, but I'm pretty sure I'd get tired of trying to navigate it after a few minutes. I'm what you like to call "impatient", and I'd get frustrated not being able to easily bounce around through different artists.

I've finally figured it out! You are the automotive Lewis Black. Screaming, yelling, and all the while, right on the money and still making me laugh. Well done.

Not recently, but I have in the past I like to fill the extra space at the end with random Deadpool quotes. Keeps things fun.

@thomascurt: Consider military helicopters to be similar to an F1 car. They are so highly tuned that something is going to go wrong eventually. Fortunately, these helicopters don't go down to malfunction nearly as often as said F1 cars.

You know, in hindsight, the GT-R might actually be the better choice. My brain latched onto the super cars, but I think I may have erred in rushing my selection. And I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of the SPECWAR community, with one exception. I won't get into the details, but suffice to say they are

I do agree, it is a bit too flashy. Unfortunately, I can't think of any super cars that don't fit this description. I disagree on one point though, out of uniform, you can still spot a SEAL, SFOD-D/ODA Operator, Recon Marine, Combat Controller, etc. if you know what to look for. Had a guy walk into a tattoo shop I

Have you seen some of our operators? Not exactly the prettiest guys in the world. I've read some of the same reviews, but you have to take that the source into perspective. The people who wrote those reviews get to drive almost every exotic on the market. If you want a vehicle that doesn't coddle you, maybe we can

Bullet in the brain pan. Squish.

"Volkswagen's blitzkrieg toward world domination."

I don't think they specifically mentioned SEAL Team Six anywhere in the article. Still, amongst the general public, DevGru is still referred to as Team Six, as that's where the team originated and most people just don't know any better. The military is constantly changing the names of it's Task Forces and JSOC