Deadpool - Do I still think in those little yellow boxes?

Focusing specifically on SEAL Team Six (more formerly known as DevGru) for two reasons. First: They are the team that brought down Osama Bin Laden; so why not give specific credit where that credit is due. Second: To encompass all of the Navy SEALs is far to broad a spectrum as their varying levels of ability are

Less of a following and more a passing annoyance that has garnered little more than a shake of the head. You're not exactly hard to miss as you always have something unintelligent to say. The first time I've bothered with a response to you happened rather recently. I'll even use it as the primary example for your

Going back to something you said earlier.

To date, that is the only one that has made me laugh, haha. Well done!

+1. The OP has a habit of making statements without any real knowledge regarding the topic, and then ends up back peddling to try and save face.

Just remember, thirty years from now, when you find out the guy you're talking to at the bar was a part of SEAL Team Six, he doesn't buy another drink.

You are correct. Two wrongs don't make a right. Do you know what the simple fix to that is? Don't make the first wrong. Don't troll automotive related threads with asinine comments designed specifically to provoke a response. You should be intelligent enough to know that this thread specifically targets

Motion seconded. Someone promote this guy!

Well said. You've put into words what most people here can feel, but never formulate an adequate description for.


Hardest I've laughed in quite some time! Excellent piece of work.

Between the two of you, I'm about to have a seizure. Once I'm done laughing. Bravo!

That pose only increased the speed at which she's going to develop back problems...

I couldn't agree more. And I'm conservative. Wait, isn't us agreeing one of the signs of the apocalypse?..........................................................................................................................

*insert self-righteous rant about how this person put other lives in danger because I've never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever done anything that had the potential to hurt another person in my entire life. Ever. Did I mention ever? Because yeah, ever!*

First you need to do a bit on "How Not To Crash A Lamborghini Into A Wall".

Jalopnik just wouldn't be the same without it's $kay. Now get back to your overstimulation ;)

Yup, sounds like a Subaru engine. I approve!