Deadpool - Do I still think in those little yellow boxes?

@smirkette: One of my favorite quotes of all time. Unfortunately, we live in a fear based society now. It's disgusting...

@$kaycog: As a concerned member of the jalopnik community, I just have to make sure you're still alive as you are even more susceptible than the rest of us to a Ford GT/GT40 induced aneurism due to overstimulation. Either that or a constant state of something one should not discuss on a public forum.

Careful Matt! All this Ford GT/GT40 love is bound to render $kaycog catatonic.

I am so glad to be back on the West Coast. If I ever set foot into another Waffle House again, it will only be to burn it to the ground. I'd be doing the local community a favor.

Just to clarify: As soon as she attempted to touch the officer, it is considered an assault. As soon as she actually touched him, she escalated to battery (by definition, assault is attempted battery, which is why you are never charged for both). They don't give tickets for battery, you spend time in the local

+1 internets to you sir. Well played.

I'm a hoon

Drunk driver? In a bro-mobile? Surely you jest!

Same...I miss my S2000. Damned snap oversteer. Definitely found the limit of my abilities.

I'm not going to judge his driving ability, but you have to admit that the last near miss is entirely his fault. One does not pull straight back out onto a race track without expecting to become a very messy mass of metal and flesh. Agreed?

Standing by for this.

Don't lie $kaycog, we know you really mean "anything but this".

Is it just me or does that look like one of the wimpiest handshakes ever?

8==D ~~ ( 8 )

@moejr: Good morning Mr. I-Like-To-Exaggerate-and-Take-The-Internet-Way-To-Seriously

At least he kept his sense of humor, even managed to handle the trolls in a respectable manner. We all learn by making mistakes. Unfortunately, his was just a little more public than usual...