Deadpool - Do I still think in those little yellow boxes?

Just bring back this beastie!

See, you got the job title wrong, they are not Subaru Salesman, they are car salesman. Completely different ;)

Which makes we wonder even more why they're using ACUs! They need some o' them true desert camouflage to truly fight that there war on 'migration.

So, am I the only one who thinks that police tactical and military uniforms need to be different? My first thought upon looking at this was that it was on a military base (i.e. Fort Huachuca) and the base SRT was called in.

Same applies, I'd be willing to bet that if the enemies killed by drone attacks had been allowed to survive, there would be far more civilians dead. Or maybe you were unaware that they intentionally target their own people?

Seconding the motion for not citing a video game as a source. It tends to piss us military types off. See, there's a couple problems with IR strobes. First, they wash out our optics. Too much light renders our PVS-14's and the older PVS-7B's useless, taking away our nighttime operational advantage. Second, I know

And cue Porsche 911 GT3 with ME-109 paint scheme...

Thou shalt not commit such blasphemy on a Ford GT

Ah, then according to Mr. Hardigree, you must be a 15 year old boy. Because God forbid you actually have a little fun. In a safe place none the less.

Blaming the Orks. Purge the xenos!

Who said you have to find all the sweet stuff in a barn?

I'll help.

Supplemental "thataway" image.

I approve! Leave some of the scarring, just like those old "battle damaged" micro-machines I used to play with.

20B-REW. Because rotary.

I had a response as soon as I read his comment...and then I read yours. You did it better.

It is still this.

"They pay me off in tortillas, I'm gonna shoot 'em right in the eye."