Deadpool - Do I still think in those little yellow boxes?

Uh....because racecar?

"Do me a favor? Go stand over there, I want to see if you can catch something."

Ha! Good to know I'm completely out of the loop. I knew about the PSP remake, but I'm lazy and didn't research the iOS version. My concern with the iPhone isn't so much resolution, but input. If it's too difficult to tap on the correct character and you're spending all your time going "damn it, I didn't select

Careful my friend, the fanboys are lurking...


+3. Couldn't have said it better myself.


Bonus points for making it function mechanically in a few different ways. Rotating torso, moving "arms", and the crème de la crème, firearms spooling up as they point at people who get within a certain distance.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's with the changing price tag? First it was $70k, now it's $50k. I'm confused! Granted, confusing me is not a difficult task...

Isn't the answer always Miata?

True gauge pr0n, definitely my first pick.

Hey, if a baby can fit...

Now that you mention it, I do remember a lot of tC's on base when I was stationed at Ft. Campbell. Damn, we have failed our brothers!

Any crap box that starts with Scion and ends with a faux-hipster two letter model name. The large toaster-mobile and that other weird thing that no one has ever bought are usually found doing ten under the speed limit in the number one lane. The small one is often being riced around by some punk who looks like he

Preach it brother!

An exploding dart apparently.

Well, it doesn't anymore. I really thought LFC were a shoe in for the trophy too...damned shame.

That is without a doubt both the funniest and most disturbing thing I've seen all week.