Deadpool - Do I still think in those little yellow boxes?

@branchan: The general motto amongst patrol officers is "nine your fine, ten your mine." Ten is usually warning though, It usually takes at least fifteen to cite. But again, depends on the officer.

@snap_understeer_ftw: I've got a flamethrower, that's kinda like a really big match right?


@BullittFan_Fords4Life: Would these be the same Highlander kids doing 95 mph in the number two and three lanes weaving in and out of traffic like jackasses? I look forward to seeing them rolled over on the side of the road (and have once or twice). Do something extremely retarded, pay the consequences. Darwin is

@portablenuke: I couldn't agree was nice not having to hump that M2 on my back.

@e30m3: the world

@SkaHimself: +1 and a heart click for braving possible pro-lifers without a sense of humor.

@spurfan15: Same! '07. Silverstone Grey.

Gotta ask it.

@spyderr0de0: We'll cut them so slack and hope that this is just the base for the outdoorsman, and that there's a "Zombie Apocalypse" option.

@rideswithsoul: TVR headlights. They only look good on a TVR.

@DiExMachina: Well yeah, it's only half the size of the buster sword.

@gm0n3y: @julkinen: I know guys. I'm sorry. This was the best I could find within my extremely lazy search. Most European maps have a touch of Africa, no matter how hard I searched. Also, of the ones I saw, most weren't labeled, which does absolutely nothing for us ignorant ass 'mericans. Please forgive me?

@jp182: Not at all. It is a glorious sound!

Sounds like a friggin' TIE Fighter.

@spuy767: That's why I agree with it, haha. That's strange though, there's only a few in my area. Most of them belong to my autox buddies and we're all pretty mild mannered. Then again, our parents also gave us the courtesy of a good beating (when deserved) when we were kids...

@sskkiilleeff: Not sure as to the lack of labeling though. Whoever did this map forgot to finish the job.

@Oroka: But not until you're already in the air...