@V6Focus: Yeah, that's European...
Glad I don't fit the S2000 stereotype. Though I do agree with it.
Not bad for a seven year old who's just been bounced around the car like a pinball.
@TheMightyTexMex: How were your lines through the turns? I might have cut in too early at D2...
@Alfisted: Sarcasm. I sense it, lol.
@$kaycog: That's turrible!
I don't care who you are, that is one sexy beast.
Bad??? That first picture takes talent!
@strays2k: Nice color. I say this becomes mine's the same!
@Prfctapex: And his sidekick, Mercedes Muhammad!
@Alfisted: Found it!
@MN952: Haha, copy all. Have fun.
@stöke, metäl ümläüt ënthüsïäst: Agreed, I watched a fourth gen Mustang go the wrong way into a turn pocket and smash head on into a poor WRX hatchback at ~60mph. Of the driver and passenger in the WRX, only the passenger was "hurt" and it was just minor whiplash. The kid (star football player from our local high…
@im10horses: V-TAAAAKKKKK!!!
@a1ek5ant3ri: D'oh, I just posted the same thing, and then scrolled down a few posts and there you were, haha.
"This is not a Star Wars pod racer engine. Yet"
@86LX5.0: And heart click for you.