Deadpool - Do I still think in those little yellow boxes?

All show, no go...

Always wanted an MX-R (or RX-5) variant of the Miata.

Well played Hyundai, well played!

Bastards, I saw the title and thought THE touchdown Jesus had been destroyed!

@ThunderSi: Hahaha. See, I like the mud...and I'm about as sharp as a marble...which explains why I went into the Army instead of one of them edumacated branches of service.

Either way, he's still just another Air Force nancy...

I always thought the simple black and white of the CHP was pretty classy. This just makes it scary...

I'll take one of each (the car and Miranda Kerr)

Hopefully this is how tomorrow's WC match looks!

@long time listener: Har har. Bought my Porsche *NEW* at the dealership owners, I'm looking at you.

@patman: You win. Not sure what, but you win, haha.

@bchernicoff: The writer must be from California. Here they're all punk kids who had mom and dad buy them the car...

@Tyler Rabbitt: And of course, Lamborghini owners by default...