@Lotte: FTW!
@Lotte: FTW!
All show, no go...
@Tossed Accord Taco Salad all over Malibu's face: I agree on all counts (including how fucking awesome the movies were).
@Tossed Accord Taco Salad all over Malibu's face: Well, certainly illustrates the diversity of the word.
Always wanted an MX-R (or RX-5) variant of the Miata.
Well played Hyundai, well played!
@LPscuderiaSV: November 2, 2012*
Bastards, I saw the title and thought THE touchdown Jesus had been destroyed!
@Drowningfish: I second the motion. Excellent taste!
@ThunderSi: Hahaha. See, I like the mud...and I'm about as sharp as a marble...which explains why I went into the Army instead of one of them edumacated branches of service.
@RMairSE3P: See also
I'll take one of each (the car and Miranda Kerr)
@twitchykun(lvl. 75 JDM Hoon): What can I say, I liked Wing more.
Hopefully this is how tomorrow's WC match looks!
@long time listener: Har har. Bought my Porsche *NEW* at the dealership owners, I'm looking at you.
@patman: You win. Not sure what, but you win, haha.
@bchernicoff: The writer must be from California. Here they're all punk kids who had mom and dad buy them the car...
@Tyler Rabbitt: And of course, Lamborghini owners by default...