Dead Pedal Jones

Thanks you for sending monies. Car is on deliver. God is bless for you.

I know guys like this that just need stuff to be ‘bad ass’ and a clutch with a 45 pound push makes them think it’s extra bad ass.

Engineer: The product just isn’t ready for market yet.

“Don’t mind me, just replacing the turn signal bulb.”

Pictured: VW in standard “service position”

It’s all about family.....................

He should look at the nearest fuel stations - odds are they’re an Oregonian and haven’t figured out how to use the gas pump yet.

Finding a specific Subaru in Portland. This should be fun.

The Fauxrrari EzNo.

One day when I was a young lad driving along with my older brother I asked him why there was a key hole next to lever thing (gear stick). He said, “If you turn the key the car will start flying.” Anything like keys and red buttons have to get pushed just so I can silence the voice that tells me cars will suddenly

sporks to us, you patrician!

Top Gun alternate ending:

Actually, the regular driver wasn’t available this day...this was the number two guy.

My wife’s boyfriend has my parts packages delivered directly to my room above the garage.

My wife was extremely disappointed when she opened up the very heavy package from Amazon that she was sure was a present for her...I mean the brake rotors were for her car so I think she should have been happier.

So small you could crate it up and have it shipped freight.

Helmer MasOlle: the most Boston name ever

I’ll be back..........for service

Why do these articles even appear on Jalopnik, which is an automotive enthusiast site?