
I feel like I've already been hit so hard with the likes of Leslie Nielson, Phil Hartman, and Alexander McQueen that I can't really be hurt any worse. Maybe Keith Richards.

Wow, I've never seen that before and I work in advertising. Awesome.

Man, I am so glad I wasn't the only person thinking this. He's an unintentional Farley impersonator.

One scene with Sir Ben alone (you know the one if you saw it) makes it a B in my book. I actually loved the whole thing. The script snaps, crackles, and pops. The whole "I am Iron Man" theme totally works.

"Trade" is just a straight guy who hooks up with gay guys for money or some sort of exchange. "Rough Trade" doesn't mean S&M it's more like a straight guy who's blue collar or a roughneck or I guess just further down the economic and social ladder. I doubt that's what Knight was referring to, but it's kind of funny to

"Trade" is just a straight guy who hooks up with gay guys for money or some sort of exchange. "Rough Trade" doesn't mean S&M it's more like a straight guy who's blue collar or a roughneck or I guess just further down the economic and social ladder. I doubt that's what Knight was referring to, but it's kind of funny to

They're only nice to your face, and they live, breath and shit personal and family drama.

They're only nice to your face, and they live, breath and shit personal and family drama.

And also House's nemesis in season 3.

And also House's nemesis in season 3.

Good point. Even Dangerfeld and Pryor had some misses, although I can't think of anything Larry David hasn't hit out of the park.

MIchael Cera was doing a bit of a Bob Newhart impersonation at times in Arrested Development.

Jackie Collins taught me everything I know about sex, Hollywood, and writing, in that order. I may be a hack, but I'm an extremely successful hack, as a result.

Jackie Collins taught me everything I know about sex, Hollywood, and writing, in that order. I may be a hack, but I'm an extremely successful hack, as a result.

You should probably smoke more weed.

You should probably smoke more weed.

Actually David v9 will come with the 2-out/3-in, pass-follow and screen-setting, self-replacing, triple-threat wing position motion offense. It makes it harder for the defense to double-team.

Two words: Piscopo.

Also learned French and cooked a soufflet.

Read Ulysses, Infinite Jest, and Gravity's Rainbow. Watched the Cremaster Cycle and Gerry.