
I couldn’t believe Shell-shocked’s reply when Megyn kelly brought up the hypocrisy of shell-shockeds robo-calls & her covering for her incest/molest-ing son. “To me that’s just common sense”. “Common sense”? “COMMON SENSE”?! Common sense would be getting your son out of the house ASAP & getting him some fucking help

I agree; it’s interesting even if a bit cloudy in its specific interpretations. I think the real power of the piece is in how angry the objections to it are. “THIS IS BIZARRE I DON’T UNDERSTAND THIS IS BULLSHIT THIS MAKES NO SENSE TO ME AND BECAUSE I DON’T UNDERSTAND IT AND IT DOESN’T RESONATE WITH MY PERSONAL

I feel like her real statement isn’t in the questions she asks or the video itself (which I honestly could not even watch), it’s in the release of this material to the public and their interpretation of it. To me, the real power in her message is simply in the comments to that video. I’m a knee-jerk “BAN ALL THE

The fairy tales that post-apocalyptic children 500 years from now tell each other will all feature reality television stars in place of old witches.

So much blush! It looks like when I found my grandma’s cream blush as a kid and smeared a glob of it on my face. She was like, “Um...did you find my blush?” and I said no.

It feels very reminiscient of the National Enquirer and the John Edwards debacle.

Can I just say... it’s like 2 weeks later, and I’m still shocked that it’s InTouch carrying the journalistic water here. But good for them, for real. I know it’s kind of backhanded to say it that way, but I don’t know how to give them a compliment for the truly great work they’re doing here without it sounding

I know a few other commentators have asked this question, but has any of the media coverage addressed the issue of why Jim Bob and Michelle are the ones doing the press tour and speaking out for Josh when he’s a 27 year old man?

I’m trying to not think of how gross I find this family and all their bullshit, so I’ve instead decided to focus on who’s hair is worse - Dim Bulb or Michelle-Shocked

Because you are drastically altering their appearance against their wishes, and badly. And then forcing that child to go out into public like that. So you are publicly shaming her even without putting it out on YouTube.

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

Can’t stand this little shit. Who wouldn’t want to do this to him?

if you visualize it it’ll happen.

I think the misogyny comes in because she’s the only woman in this scene and she’s proved herself to be a logical, quick thinking badass but then the minute the zombie appear her “motherly instincts” or whatever kick in and render her unable to kill them

No goofus, because she just gave up when she was all “oh, mah babbies!” and her ovaries made her fall down and die.

She’s the only one who gave up out of despair and let them kill her for no fucking reason. Everyone else fought to the death or ran away. So yeah, it is.

Yeah, I can’t help but see the misogyny in what they did to Karsi. I was doubtful of D&D being misogynistic throughout everything, even Sansa. But this combined with Gilly last week sealed the deal for me. They really need to take a good long look at themselves.

I’ll agree that this was a great sequence. The real tension and terror, the fantastic set pieces, the excellent effects (with the exception of Jon Snow’s whack-walk across the yard, which was like a text on how not to CGI a fight scene).
But I completely disagree about the meanie babies and Karsi. She (a truly likable

I’m going to say that when I get older: “I don’t have wrinkles, I have TEXTURE.”