
*their. Should have gone to college.

That is the million-dollar question! Why DOES it take a pack of Satanists to bring up this screamingly-obvious question to the powers that be? Shouldn’t the Excessive Entanglement of all these stupid religion-based laws already have been given?

Every stat screams that you are safer without a gun.

But bear arms seem awesome! How do you not understand the need?!

“A suit is also contemplated against the shooter, whose recklessness created the havoc.”

I know it might make people feel better to think she killed him...but honestly, if you take even a minute to look into Kurt and the type of person he was, and what happened to him in’d see he was a man who has been in pain his whole life. Both mental and physical. It’s noo stretch of the imagination to see

Rachel, sweetheart: you’re self-absorbed, you’re in love with the sound of your own voice, you steal things from black people and claim them as your own, and you tell black people what to think. I’d say QUITE A FEW things about being white describe who you are PERFECTLY. Shit, you sued Howard for reverse racism, which

It’s not about diminishing her responsibility by claiming mental illness, it’s about understanding her motives and responsibility without burning her at the stake. All this fucking hatred directed at her doesn’t do anything. Show some restraint and wait for the story to develop before eviscerating the perpetrator.

And let’s not forget what he did in regards to Rosalind Franklin. He even called her ‘Rosy’ and said this about her in his book- “Though her features were strong, she was not unattractive, and might have been quite stunning had she taken even a mild interest in clothes. This she did not.”

I had to laugh at “conference comedy.”

People like you are ruining conference comedy for our most romantic and confidently nose-haired Nobelists! And Seinfeld is on his way to your house in his third favorite Porsche to tell you all about it.

“we’re trying to have a goddam society here” — I love this so much.

Forget the ridiculous third reason for a moment. Why do there seem to be so many otherwise intelligent people who don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of the time it’s not appropriate to act on your sexual impulses? Literally everyday of the week I work with and walk by women that I am attracted to,

I’m feeling super hopeful. A very, very powerful man can be knocked down a peg for saying something awful that a little while ago would have passed unnoticed. Progress.

“I’m very sorry that what I thought were light-hearted ironic remarks were taken so seriously, and I’m very sorry if people took offense. I certainly did not mean to demean women, but rather be honest about my own shortcomings,”

It sucks that men are stigmatized into not talking about their experiences with being sexually assaulted by women because they’re expected to enjoy it. Good on him for sharing his story. His opinion about the Duggars though...

Religion aside, I appreciate that people are talking about child molestation openly. Besides the actual abuse, the shame of it is a life long burden. The more people feel relaxed about admitting it happened to them, and they were NOT to blame, the better.

Holy wow, y’all. Sulkowicz has claimed elsewhere that she believes vulnerability is the best way to reach people. This video was constructed in a way to maximize it; rather than sincerely addressing the questions she’s asked (very fucking important questions, no matter how much one may wish to deflect them as naïve),