
What a waste of money. 30 grand could have put a couple of those sex dolls through college.

Skirts with pockets! Skirts with pockets!

Claire Huxtable is a horrible person. She's not an icon.

"A few worthy mentions in last week's, uh, shitting contest came from Alexander Robles, for his vivid descriptions"

Off the hook? Is she saying off the hook? Isn't that super dated?

I think I'm less upset by what the fuck.

I have bad news for you...

I know i'm beating the dead horse when I say that turning a famous woman's body into a commodity is vile and horrible, but I am still never-endingly stunned that when there's an opportunity to help or view her in a human light they can't and resort to seeing the entire matter as a property/copyright dispute.

No one's slick as Gaston

yay! i'll happily go back to being ignored in the greys if it means no more terrible gifs everywhere :D

This didn't happen to me, so call it apocryphal if you must, but it's still a great story I heard from a friend.

This won't win the pissing contest because it's only partially about a crazy animal, but it's a cute story.

Birds, mostly poultry, hate me. I have been attacked on sight on more then one occasion.

That was my favorite scary story when I was a kid!!

Correction. Breast feeding is not "the most natural thing."

It is hard and frustrating, and emotionally-wrenching when you don't do it right, and it does not come easy to most women. It is the very opposite of natural. If it were natural, LCs (lactation consultants) wouldn't be making a KILLING helping moms who can't

1. Get rid of your shitty artwork

They did describe her as "troubled," which is, I suppose, self-evident.

Well, no one likes eating crow.

Ohmygod yes, in one of the old-school Barbie houses, and they fight over who works the elevator!

True story; I once got banned on Jezebel for using all caps like this in a comment. It was an automatic thing that would get you zapped, no question. What can I say, I like using all caps! Funny how times have changed, isn't it?

I grew up witnessing my dad beating the shit out of my mom.